25 Mar 2013

Monday Musings...

Yay! Another entry of Monday Musings... let's see if I can keep this up.

Thank-you to everyone who checked in on me. I'm doing good! :)

Last week was a rather interesting week... very unproductive week... so much work that needs to be done, yet none of it is getting done. Leaving for India on Thursday... but last week I ended up taking up teaching for pre-teens on Friday and as usual lots of prep work to be done for Kids Club on Saturday. So I basically didn't stop until I got to 6pm on Saturday... and I still volunteered to go to Watermark Community Church with the kids on Sunday... AND I stayed for lunch with them and helped take them back to Jordan. I really don't understand why every time I decide to stay for lunch with the kids we are eating McDonald's on the Cyberport podium... -_-"

Regardless... these kids are my saving grace this past weekend. When I see them, I know that I am exactly where God had intended me to be in this season. I see the kids... and their reactions to me and I know that God is in control of my life, and He has crazy plans for me ahead. I know that it is by the grace of God that I get to join the ranks of the few who can say without a doubt that they love their job! On Saturday, we studied the Bible story of the Last Supper... and then we had a time of communion with the kids. It was the cutest thing in the world... and my heart completely melted... God has such a huge heart for these kids... He loves them so much! 

Circumstances may once again be trying to tell me that I have lost and that I am a loser... but lies I rebuke you! I am a daughter of God, and He thinks I'm a winner! At my own advice to a friend.. I'm looking forward... because God does not ask that I spend my time thinking of the what if's and what could have been. He asks me to live in the present... because that is where I can see the gifts that He has prepared for me for THIS season. If I look anywhere else... I will miss out on these... and I don't want to miss out on the things that God has prepared for me! :)

18 Mar 2013

Monday Musings...

I really love having Mondays as my day off... and I really have been meaning to use it as a day to catch up on blogging, but I always get distracted and end up doing something else. Today I had this plan of going out to spend the afternoon doing some school work at the PolyU library... only to find out when I got there that I was missing a critical piece of paper... so studying in library fail! Ended up spending the afternoon sitting outside doing various activities which included reading and some sort of education related activities... amongst many other non-productive activities. Then I decided to go up to CUHK anyways.. I really should get some library time in... to find that the University Library on campus as finished renovations... it looks NICE! hahaha.. so perhaps my undergrad library study habits can come back to life... let's see what happens. :P

Anyways... random day description aside... here's the real meat of what I want to talk about.

Recently, I looked around me and I felt all that surrounded me told me that I had lost. That I had come out the loser in the situation... I seriously felt like everywhere I looked the world was screaming "You're a L-O-S-E-R!" This was not a very good feeling to be feeling... I'm just being honest because I think sometimes I look around and I wonder to myself... "why me? 

I know if I measure by earthly standards, it will always feel like I lost. If I look at the situation and compare myself to others... I always feel like I am lacking... and when I get to that place then I really have lost. I have lost because I have allowed myself to be consumed by my situation and circumstances rather than be lost in God. 

When I turn my eyes back onto God, I know that I have not lost at all. I have gained treasures in heaven which I cannot see with my own eyes, but faith tells me that what I have lost and sacrificed will be redeemed. Even if these things are not redeemed here on earth, they will be redeemed when I go to heaven to spend eternity with my Father. 

My truest measure of knowing that I had not lost... the most tangible evidence in my life... my job... AKA my kids. Everyday when I walk into Jordan and I see the relationships that God has built up in a very short 4 months time... and all that this job has led me to, I KNOW that I have not lost. I know that I get to walk daily in the will of God... that I am exactly where He had intended for me to be in this season.

Life has been hard... but it has been oh so good! :) And to finish off... the song that won't stop playing in my head... but it's GOOD! It's the cry of my heart for my life... hope you make it yours too!