15 Jan 2015

How can 2015 be here already??

So.. begins 2015... and another birthday has passed.... and that means time for my yearly recap! 

How does one sum up the year 2014? Perhaps let's start with the easy stuff... 2014 I got to visit some new places: Mongolia and Jeju Island. Went back to Edmonton (Calgary and Vancouver inclusive) for 3 and a half weeks... put 1000+km on the rental just from driving up and down HWY 2... haha... all in all a good year of travels. 

GRADUATION happened... finally! At the end of April, I wrote my last final exam and handed in my last group paper ever. By August I received all my papers and could submit everything to become a registered social worker in Hong Kong! The promise of God has finally come to pass... I AM a registered social worker!! I am not equipped... November was the end of this graduation season with the actual convocation ceremony! 

2014 marked the end of 2 years at ICM... marking the end of a contract term... and so began the musings over what would be next. Taking a trip home meant musings of moving back to Canada for some better social work experience that would be more useful than what I felt I received here in Hong Kong over the 800 hours of practicum... Couple that with the fun times to be had with good friends... very very tempting. 

But... as 2014 ends, circumstances change... new contract signed... I shall be staying at ICM and in Hong Kong for the time being. 2014 ended surrounded by some of the people who have really walked through the highs and lows with me this past year... who pushed or at times carried me when I was so tired and didn't want to move on. I guess as 2014 I am infinitely grateful for the people that God has brought into my life this past year... and looking forward to building these friendships.  

I have no idea what lies ahead as I go into 2015... and another year older... but I think God has something up his sleeve and as always I expect nothing but the very best from Him. My prayer for this year is that God will reveal a glimpse of the plans and purposes that He has for me... 

I think this picture is a great representation of 2014... the past several days was raining and gloomy... but then it became a beautiful day. 2014 was not the easiest of years... and ridiculously gloomy at times but as it ended... it turned out to be a pretty good year.