17 Dec 2013

Monday Musings....

After I ended placement the other Friday... it was back to back Christmas parties on the Saturday... these are some of my favourites from that day! I love taking pictures of the kids, sometimes it's so hard to capture them in that one moment of joy... or just in that moment... but when you can capture it... the emotions behind it is so fun to look at... cause it's so pure! 

I can't believe that 2013 is coming to an end already.... in so many ways, I feel like the year just started not very long ago! These kids... and some more have been front and centre of 2013 for me. They have consumed me like nothing else has and I have allowed it to happen almost with no reservation. There is no denying that they have been my saving grace this past year, I have learned so much about myself in them and through them. As 2013, through every frustration... through every down moment... through every happy moment... when I see these kids, I am reminded that God has been in each and every single moment. It was God who has brought me thus far... and from here He will continue to take me to everywhere else He intends for me to venture.

Let's not even pretend like 2013 hasn't been a rough year... but with stretching comes growth, right? With growth comes maturity... so it is on the hope that I have grown and matured this past year that I look forward to a new year. A new year with new challenges, new lessons, and new adventures to be discovered. I'm kinda looking forward to 2013 being over... and definitely looking forward to another year with these monkeys! They frustrate me so much at times... but at the end... it's not them so much as the circumstances and situations that surround them and other things that make me mad... and the truth is that I only get frustrated because I love each and every single one of these monkeys so much... simply because God loves each and everyone of them so much.... and as I learn to love as Christ loves them... I simply want the best for them. :)

I feel like in all this God is stretching the mother's heart in me... and some days it feels like I'm learning that even if the only children I will ever have are spiritual ones through the family of Christ... maybe it will be okay. I'm just being honest... I still would like my own family but if that never happens... maybe it will be okay too. I have a huge spiritual family with lots of children that need to be loved.... and in Christ, He is always enough.