24 Jul 2013



Lately... more than normal, I've felt like I'm walking at life alone. Perhaps it's partly because I'm still single... or that I'm not currently plugged into a small group at church... or I'm currently the only staff on site at ICM at the moment... or perhaps in a way, it's simply a combination of all of the above. Yet at the end of the day... I think the circumstances only expounds the feeling... because I think at the heart of it all it is that I trust no one.  

I've been thinking about this... ALOT. I've had a lot of time on my own as of late... and I think that I may have stumbled upon something else. I don't trust people... period. The biggest possible reason as to why I feel so amazingly alone in the world sometimes is that I don't trust people. There is a real fear that I have discovered that everyone is going to either abandon me or backstab me. I think the whole world trash talks about me behind my back.

I don't ask for help because I don't trust people. I micro manage... or cannot put things down because I don't trust people. I think I've built myself a humungoid fortress... in which I try to keep myself safe from people... and at the moment that fort is built on my busyness. I'm too busy to reply... reach out... I'm too busy to think... too busy to be around... and so as I hide behind busyness... I am free to hermit and be alone... where I don't have to risk being vulnerable with people... where I don't have to be real... 

Today I'm just being honest... that the words "Jesus walks with me" seem distant... and in so many ways... it's not enough. But I'm tired... and have no strength to reach up or out...