15 Dec 2012

Saturday Snippet...

Usually during the Christmas season I do an advent countdown of daily blogging... this year, I didn't. Why? I don't have a particular reason as to why... I think I just forgot. In the midst of finishing up placement, classes and starting a new job, everything just got crazy busy! 

So what have I been up to? I have been starting a new job. My new job... Children's Ministry Director with Inner City Ministries. I get the joy of looking after children's sunday school (run on a Saturday afternoon), and various different tutorial sessions throughout the week, as well the daunting task of coming up with a plan.. for efficient and lasting change to their education situations. OMG! hahaha... it's slightly insane! Here's a couple of my monkeys... :P
Aren't they so sweet? hahaha :) 

Anyways... in the midst of this... I find small blessings... and honestly if I don't keep my eyes open and heart focused, I feel like I will easily walk past them. It has been 3 days since I have been able to speak (I have never lost my voice for this long before.) I seriously woke up from a full 8 hours of sleep on Thursday morning to find that I no longer had a voice left. Same thing again on Friday morning.... and still this morning... my voice had not yet found it's way back to me... sigh... and an afternoon of chilling with my monkeys has not helped me to regain my voice any faster! :P

Currently I am trying to study for my one and only final exam this semester... Professional Values and Legal Knowledge.... so... b.o.r.i..n.g.... but distracted by planning of my New Year's trip to Korea! 

Excited for a couple of days away from Hong Kong, and time to spend catching up with some of my favourite ladies in the world. Even though I haven't known them very love... I hold them dear to my heart. :)

Just read this article.... "How to know when to walk away..." I found it interesting... ladies and gentleman... please, please, please don't use the God card when breaking up with someone... it does more damage than good.... I speak as someone who is still dealing with the effects of having been dealt the God card. I'd so much rather be angry with a person... than trying to deal with being angry at God... questioning my own relationship with God... questioning my own ability to hear God... and questioning and second guessing everything that I believe is from God now... That's the least edifying way to end a relationship. Just suck it up... and allow that person to be angry with you instead... and accept that you will not be their favourite person for awhile...

Anyways... enough ranting. I really am loving all new experiences as they come up through my new job... I know everyday that this is a place that God had prepared for me... that this is a job that God had created for me... and that I have been called into this ministry for a reason. Everyday I get small glimpses... and the more time I spend in the new... the more healthy I feel that it has been away. It's not that I have anything against my current friends and church... but it's hard. It's so nice to be with people who don't know... and perhaps that is what makes running away seem like such a nice alternative... but I won't run away. I shall just enjoy the new, while knowing that God has not called me away from my church or current group of friends. 

There is much to give thanks to God for in my life... so with that I hold up my head and say "Blessed be the name of the Lord!"