23 Apr 2014


Perhaps.... too much studying hence the word "reframing." Been listening to this song again... oh how things have changed since the first time I've heard that song... :P Changed in a good way... 

Currently my studying playlist is completely unconventional... it puts me to sleep more than it encourages studying but yet I keep listening to it. The more I listen to it, the more I wonder if I've made a mistake... if I've missed out/ shut out something that might have been good for me out of fear. 

Haven't been able to eat much... not sleeping well at all... and my brain is full of crap that I don't want to deal with... not with my last final 2 days away... So I shall shove it all under the rug until Family Intervention final is done! (Side note: I passed the stupid CUHK IT proficiency test, so I can graduate given that I don't fail any courses this semester!) 

Anyways... back to learning about Narrative Family Therapy.... whilst this is playing in my ear "I'll never give up, never give in, never let a ray of doubt slip in..... " hahahhaaha... :P