30 Jan 2012

Monday Morning Musings...

So I have returned from playing on the mountains of Niseko. Let met just say... it was worth every penny that I spent for that trip, and the snow really is as amazing as they say it is! I don't think I have ever had to dig myself out of powder as much as I have in the past week.... but it was amazing because falling didn't hurt... :P

I must say though... before I plan another trip for Niseko.. or elsewhere within Hokkaido, I must find me someone who can board/ski with me. As much as I love snowboarding, I don't enjoy doing it alone so much... plus it's actually not safe... you're never really suppose to board/ski on your own... And it's always more fun to have someone push you... or wait for. :) Still... I had a pretty good time on the slopes... pushed my own limits a bit... went to the top to attempt the ungroomed black run and ended up sliding down on my butt because once I fell into the powder I couldn't get back up.... and when I did.. I rolled down the hill backwards. THAT was insanely scary! Good thing it was pure powder... and I couldn't get very far before getting stuck in powder again. :P

It was an interesting trip... I don't think I've ever met so many Albertans outside of Alberta in one go... and the surroundings definitely made me feel like I was back in Alberta (I mean Banff is full of Japanese anyways.. ) and haven't sorted whether it made me MORE homesick, or less so... I'm leaning towards more so at the moment. The mountains were beautiful... but it still doesn't compare to the majesty of the Rockies. Yah... I think it really did make me more homesick... to go home and board on the slopes that I know so well... where there will be people who I can board with so I wouldn't have to go solo... and where people speak a language I understand...

Yet... it's been a good time with God. I love being on the mountains because when I am in nature, nothing can distract me... well... other than my own thoughts. There's not work to worry about, there's no school to make me anxious... there is not worldly standard to live up to... just me, my snowboard, the mountains, and God. I wish I could stay in that bubble awhile longer, I don't feel ready to be back in Hong Kong yet. I don't quite feel ready to tackle the struggles of work... or the stress of school... I'm not ready for the crowds of Hong Kong or the materialism... so what can I do? I really don't know.

I think Hong Kong is slowly killing me on the inside.... God help me.

21 Jan 2012

Stretching of my heart...

I need to stop reading these articles... or I need to read them more... :P This article gives some very interesting statistics.

But I totally agree with this line: "Condemning, stigmatising and criminalising abortion are cruel and failed strategies." 

When I read this stuff... the amount of babies dying... and the amount of mothers dying... argh... it's all just so heart wrenching. I don't know how to get involved at the moment... so all I can do is continue to pray for the day when God will redeem this. For the day when life is treasured once again... when life matters more than choice... 

On another note... I thought it was about time for me to change my pic, and my name... it made sense... and it is good. :)

19 Jan 2012

I need to get outta here!!!

*breathe in, breathe out* 3 more days... and I'm off to Niseko. Check out this article... apparently, it's gonna be some EPIC snow this season! So... thank-you God for my trip!

Anyone who's hitting the slopes this year, please be safe, and wear a helmut. Here's why.

Can't believe Edmonton is hitting -47 on the thermometer... well I believe it, I just feel bad for everyone there! Everyone in Alberta, please stay warm! But despite the cold weather, apparently the dump of snow up in Jasper has been pretty amazing, so make the most of the season guys! You'll regret it when you no longer live 4hrs drive from the Rockies.... *sigh* 

17 Jan 2012

Proposal would put roofs on outdoor rinks

Community rinks... man I miss the sight of this. I WANT TO GO SKATING!!!... and I want to play some hockey!!! :P

Proposal would put roofs on outdoor rinks:

Edmonton's community leagues are considering a proposal to put a fabric roof on some outdoor rinks around the city.

15 Jan 2012

Birthday Weekend!

Wow... surprise birthday cake with Kimchi party after Friday class! Best surprise ever! :) I don't remember the last time I blew out candles!
What a birthday weekend! So I know birthday week started with me not wanting to do anything, but I finally got off my arse to plan some sort of birthday celebrations for Saturday. Tea party with some of my bestest ladies! Only to wake up that day to discover that my grandmother was heading into the hospital because they suspect stroke... but then suddenly when she was at the hospital, I get texts from my mother that she had fallen into a coma... and then she was in critical condition... so of course all plans out the window. Thanks so much for everyone who stood with me through out the whole day... happiest birthday yet, eh? :P

Long story short, she has since woken up, and we are awaiting them to remove all the pipes she's plugged into to be able to find out more concretely what had happened to her. Please continue to pray for health, she's quite weak. :(

At the same time, I have also found out that I will not be heading to Calgary, or anywhere in Canada for that matter for my placement. 

Prayers for birthday this year included much about God wanting me to show me on an even deeper level just how much He loves me... and a promise of redemption (which has been the story of my life), that everything He has taken, He will return even better than before! God has promised that everything I wanted and dreamed of is just through the door and is within my grasp... I've already entered through the door, and everything is going to come to pass... but I also know that I will have to stand stronger and firmer on God's love than ever before... because the more my life aligns with God's will, the more the enemy will try to push me off course. GET BEHIND ME SATAN! I belong to Jesus, and He has already defeated you! 

uhhh.... yah.... that thing creeps me out!

10 Jan 2012

Tuesday Tossings...

hahaha... I found the sock monkey hat... I want to buy... but makes no sense to buy...

birthday week has been rather uneventful this week due to my own lack of motivation to want to do anything. I worked all weekend this past weekend along with taking up playing keys Sunday morning which all resulted me in being physically drained as Monday rolled around. School also starts tonight which means it will be well past midnight before I will be happily tucked into my bed. *sigh*

so many reasons for why I dislike celebrating my birthday... or even acknowledging that day... yet I also have a small list of things that I want to do... oh the dilemma... let's see what happens. i do NOT wish a repeat of last years birthday celebrations... i finally saw some pictures from last year.... oh dear... I just looked angry! :P

marks are out... EEKS! made minimum cutoff to qualify for overseas placement... it's back in God's hands now.. well it's never left His hands... hahaha... so I guess it's now waiting for the next step from CUHK. still banking on being somewhere in Canada this summer... and banking that it's gonna be in Calgary! :P

some new changes coming up at work... not quite sure what this means for me just yet, but I will be affected directly. sitting on the fence... (oh and of course praying) whether in this next season I need to be staying at this job still.

Plus (small group)... I have made my return at Plus. for January birthday celebrations... which did not include my own. Hahaha... my Plus doesn't know when my birthday is. oh well... that was my own doing. it did end on a good time of prayer with a small group of what I have deemed the heart of the Plus... we are in God's hands, and that's a good place for our Plus to be in! :)

could really go for one of these right now... (picture from Starbucks)

2012 resolution... and one I plan on keeping because it will be beneficial all around: no buying shoes. I probably will still claim I have no shoes to wear... but that is most definitely never true.

potentially moving out... this could be very very interesting... and it's at a price that I almost cannot say no to... so let's see how this all pans out! :)

greiving sucks... that is all. I don't even know why this is considered greiving. blah.

6 Jan 2012

The United States Eugenics Movement: Outrage and What We Can Learn

Some of those things that I really care about and always seems to hit straight into my heart... yet issues that I don't know what I'd do if I was in the same situation. I'm curious... what would you do if our unborn child was tested to have a genetic defect or something? Would you choose to give up on them? Or would you give them a chance at life? Is "killing" them really protecting them from the cruel world? The more I read up on stuff like this... the more I realize that this is all out of our control. We can no more protect others than we can protect ourselves from the cruel world... only God can protect us.

The United States Eugenics Movement: Outrage and What We Can Learn: Original

Every January we rightly turn our attention to Roe v. Wade — the poorly argued Supreme Court decision that was driven by ideology rather than by actual case law.

It was not the first unjustly decided case that impacted tens of thousands of vulnerable lives.

In the early decades of the 20th century in the United States, there were deeply held prejudices against the three types of people: the poor, those with disabilities of all kinds, and people of color. These prejudices, along with their social and scientific acceptability, made up the fabric of what became known as the eugenics movement.

The argument went something like this: if only we could prevent the births of ‘feeble-minded’ people, we could have perpetual prosperity in a society governed by morally upright people.

Prominent people in law, government, media, business and the 'church' supported such efforts. State laws were enacted across the country to forcibly sterilize anyone considered unfit.

When the Courts Said Okay

It didn’t work. By the early 1920s, the eugenics sterilization movement in the United States seemed to be on its last legs. Eugenic sterilization laws in several states had been struck down by the courts. In Oregon, a populist movement prevented a law from being passed. Scientists in the new field of genetics called into question the conclusions of those who thought all ‘shiftless’ behavior was determined by heredity.

A proponent of eugenics, Dr. Harry Laughlin, reviewed all that was happening across the United States and determined what was really needed was a model law, backed by research, that would return eugenic sterilization to its former prominence. He wrote and published Eugenic Sterilization in the United States in 1922, a nearly 500 page tome on his research, which included language for a law he was certain would be acceptable to the courts.

Eugenic proponents in Virginia immediately took this language to the Virginia Legislature. A vulnerable young woman was chosen to test the law. Her legal representative actually supported the law rather than his client. The United States Supreme Court would eventually hear it. Their 1927 decision on Buck v. Bell didn’t just make legal an abhorrent practice, it breathed life into an entire international movement.1

United States Law and Nazi War Crimes

By the time World War II began, 30 states had sterilization laws. Germany would use Dr. Laughlin’s model law language to create the Law for Protection Against Genetically Defective Offspring.

After the war, during the Nuremberg trials for Nazi crimes against humanity, lawyers for Nazi war criminals attempted to use the Buck v. Bell decision in their clients’ defense.

Don’t let that quickly go by you: Nazi war criminals who had terrorized, tortured and murdered millions of people attempted to use a decision of the United States Supreme Court as a defense for their forced sterilization program that was determined to be a crime against humanity.

Three Lessons Here

Thankfully, this practice has gone out of favor even though the decision has never formally been reversed. Our culture finds the practice repugnant, and laws have followed. Virginia repealed its law in 1974, but left open some compulsory sterilization until 1979. North Carolina finally repealed its law in 2003. There may still be laws in some states.

Here are three lessons I take away:

First, the god of this world doesn’t easily let go of his evil desires to destroy the most vulnerable among us. The eugenics sterilization movement was nearly dead until new life was breathed into it by just a few people who knew how to use legal, legislative and academic systems to their advantage. We should prepare, as Jesus told us: “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves" (Matthew 10:16 ).

Second, it will not stand. When Christ returns, perfect justice will reign without challenge. Those who today are strong will no longer be able to rule over and abuse the weak without fear.

Third, until then, we must stand for the most vulnerable among us. Today, the most vulnerable human beings on the planet are those with disabilities in the womb. They have neither the law nor the culture siding with them.

Will you stand for them?


1I am grateful for Dr. Paul Lombardo’s work on the Buck v. Bell decision. Much of this discussion has come from his thorough history of that case, Three Generations, No Imbeciles: Eugenics, the Supreme Court and Buck v. Bell.
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3 Jan 2012


Hahaha... this picture is so perfect, my finger is situated at just the right place... literal translation: everyday towards *insert finger pointing upwards* Please ignore the fact that my hand is in a mitt and it barely looks like I am pointing a finger.

As 2012 starts and as I look at this picture, I hope that in 2012 that everyday I will be able to move upwards, closer to my Father in heaven! My prayers for myself this year is that I will continue to learn to look upwards instead of sideways and down. I want to point people upwards, and not in any other direction through my actions, words and lifestyle. So... this shall be the picture of prophecy for 2012... a year of looking and moving upwards daily. 

Trip to Shanghai has come and gone. Good times... much eating... and much sleeping, kinda. hahaha... but all around a pretty good trip. Pictures will be posted later when I get around to going through my pictures from the past 2 weeks of holidays.