31 Dec 2010

Last Post of 2010!!!

Oh my goodness... here we are... the last post of 2010!

Hahah... I don't know if Naters still reads my blog... but if he does: HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATERS!!! :)

Anyways... now what was it that I wanted to talk about today... I woke up thinking about pizza today... no jokes. I wasn't hungry or anything... but I was just thinking about pizza. It was a tad bizarre. Oh... now I remember what I wanted to talk about.

So last night I went to my first worship practice in I don't know how long. It's been awhile, I marked off all of December to give myself a break from serving. It was a nice break, I think I really needed that time to just be able to spend time with friends, family... and to have some time to be able to go into Sundays without the stress or anxiety of having to worry about serving. It was nice... and I definitely felt the effects of that break last night as I went into worship practice.

I had a really good time at practice last night, and it made me realize just how much I have missed playing, and how much I've missed the fellowship of everyone from the worship team. Well... a portion of them anyways... cause that's all I got to see last night. We got some time to just spend together praying for Sunday, for each other, for the Church and for the new year... that was really nice. Just to be able to put aside the music... and just come before God as a team to pray. We don't get to do that very often... AND we were still able to finish before 9! Amazing!

Last night, I was also reminded that I decided to play not because I wanted to please people, or to be a part of a band, or to be on stage... I play because there is a desire within my heart to want to make music... and to make music that glorifies my God. A desire to put into music the love in my heart... that knows no other outpouring than through moving my fingers over a keyboard. Even though sometimes as a keys player... I really am just holding very simple chords... but even in that simplicity God allows me to pour our my offering of worship... and THIS is why I play for worship... THIS is why so many years ago I wanted to play music for God.

It is through music that I find an outlet to release things that words cannot describe. I'm excited to play on Sunday! It's been awhile... but I'm glad that I got a break. It is through this break that I was refreshed... and reminded that this is somewhere that God has placed me... and simply... this is a place where I belong! Yay God! :)

30 Dec 2010

Oh how selfish we all can be...

I've been thinking about how selfish people can be... and then I started thinking about how selfish I can be... this is something I like to think of while I am standing in line at the bank. When there is a long line at the bank, I too tend to get impatient, and I start wondering why they don't open more windows... or why the lady sitting at her counter is closed and not taking any customers... and then I always always catch myself in the midst of these thoughts. I too have been on the other side of the counter... I too have had angry and impatient customers yell at me about why there aren't anymore counters opened... or why I am closed while there is such a long line of customers waiting to be served.

Let me tell you... it's not that I didn't want to serve the customers who were waiting in line... it is simply that I had paper work or other things to be sorted from my pervious customer that needed to be dealt with before I could take a new customer. When I put myself back into that place, it is much easier to not get impatient and angry while I am waiting in line. I know and understand what they have to put up with, and what they have to do... therefore I simply choose to not let the long line bother me... if I make the choice to go to the bank during one of the busiest hours during the day, then I should expect to have to wait in line.

For the most part, I am okay with waiting in lines... I really just don't let it get to me. What really gets to me... is rush hour on the MTR. I try so hard to put myself into the shoes of those who are shoving bags into my face... pushing my face into someone else so that they can cram onto the train... cutting me in line so that they can get on the train... elbows, newspapers... etc etc. This I really just cannot understand.

In other situations I am also learning... to not let the "how does this affect me?" react first, but to look from the other person's perspective first. It is not easy... because my mind naturally wants to react from the point of view that I am the person who has been wronged... that I am the person that is in the right... but to lay that aside and say... well, maybe they had a bad day or maybe they're struggling with something... and to be gracious towards that and continue to love is very hard... and honestly, very unnatural to do. It is easier sometimes with people you love and care about, but only a tiny bit. For the most part when my person feels that it is being attacked... I do not wish to put myself into the other person's shoes.

This is one lesson that has a very very steep learning curve... but I feel that it is a very important one that will lead me to new places in the new year! Why else would God be making this such a pressing lesson that He wants me to learn... *sigh* God sustain me... and give me grace... because I know that I will not be able to do this on my own. My human nature just screams rebellion... but my heart desires to see this through... the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak... :P

29 Dec 2010

Missing the snow...

So... this is my 4th Christmas in Hong Kong... so it has been 4 Christmases where I have not seen snow... it makes me miss Canada. It really does... I really missed skating/playing hockey on Christmas Day... and trying to drive out to the mountains for a short snowboarding trip during the holidays... I really really miss snow!

Who would've known that when I came back for holidays 4 Christmases ago, it would result in 2 job interviews, and then a job offer which would ultimately bring me back to Hong Kong... and into the very life which I am living at the moment... working at a Christian NGO, working with Refugees and Asylum Seekers... dating Pyoo... God is funny. I didn't even have friends or a real church family at that time, I just decided to go "all in" and make the move to Hong Kong.

But that is ok, because we're going to Tokyo and Hakuba during CNY for snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay snow!!!!!! I can't wait to see snow!!!! :)

28 Dec 2010

Just gonna keep going...

So I made it all the way to Christmas... but I thought it might be a good idea to keep this up anyways. :)

Christmas break did not actually feel like a Christmas break this year... it was more just like a long weekend, so I'm still having a hard time comprehending that Christmas has come and gone. It was pretty good weekend, started the festivities with some family time, and then handing out daily needs packages in Wan Chai... then back to the Chow's for some food and fellowship and gift exchange action. I have to say, in general, people were a lot nicer this time than when we played it at Plus... by the end of the game at Plus we still had quite a number of gifts in the middle... hahaha, but at the Chow's... people just took what was in the middle instead of stealing most of the time. It was a very tame game of gift exchange.

Christmas Day woke up late... dim sum with the family, shopping, and then outdoor buffet at the Jockey Club out in Sheung Shui.... who has outdoor buffet in temperatures that are almost below 10?!?!? Anyways... food was pretty good... it was cold though... and so so far in the middle of nowhere! Then drinks with Vicks in Knutsford... just catching up on the happenings of Edmonton. :)

Boxing Day forced myself out of bed to go to service... it was good. Then Cheung Chau for lunch... home for a nap... and then family hotpot action out in Ap Lei Chau... and then home again to be warm under my covers for more sleep!

Holiday Monday... woke up to get ready for Caleb and Christina's wedding... chillings with people... and then to SoHo for Bomi's bday celebrations which consisted of mani/pedis, tea at Portobello's and dinner at Life Organic Cafe for some vegetarian goodness... just for Bomi!

What a weekend! So much eating... and sleeping. In the midst of the craziness, I think I'm learning to sort out my own thoughts... between what is real, and what is not. What is of substance, and what is a manifestation of my fears and anxieties. So hard... but it is good. Learning to fight and argue with that unreasonable voice in my head... somedays it still wins and I give in to listening to the voice... but will keep going... God will continue to sustain me.

26 Dec 2010


Only 1 day late... :P

Can't believe that Christmas has come and gone. Hope everyone is having a good one! It's getting chilly here in Hong Kong... so it kinda actually feels like Christmas... and I love that our building buys real trees every year so the foyer smells like Christmas tree!

Been an interesting last couple of days... of just eating, family and friends! Really don't got much to say...


24 Dec 2010

Advent Day 24

Oh my goodness it's Christmas Eve! and day 24 of my blogging exercise!

Before Pyoo got on the plane the other night we decided to give a prayer of thanks for everything that's passed this year... and there was definitely lots to be thankful for! A year ago we were all in fractic prayer for Pyoo's mom for his health and now she is healthy and doing well! That seems like so long ago now... God is so incredibly good!

This past year has definitely been a chellenging and stretching one... from leaving HSBC, to doing school applications, being unemployed and uncertain about my future,volunteering at different places, not getting into school, and then finding this new job... there were so many moments where I didn't think I would make it... so many times where I thought there was no hope because there was so much that was unknown and so much that didn't make sense... but here I am at the end 2010.

God has carried me through every happy moment, every doubtful moment, every confusing moment, every frustrating moment, every angry moment, through each and every single moment of this past year. Even when it didn't feel like he was... He was there. He is a good God! I learned once again that no matter how hard I try to plan... no matter how hard I try to guess at the unknown... I always fail because I can't plan better than God, and I can't guess what God might have up His sleeve...

Finally listening to Christmas music... it's funny... usually I start like in August... getting excited for Christmas and listening to Christmas music, but this year... it's been different. I wonder if that's age... or just because of the crazy, hectic and insane year that it has been... maybe it had something to do with not looking forward to spending Christmas without Pyoo again... :P Oh well... getting kinda excited... it's about time, cause it is Christmas Eve after all!

Have a good night, and stay warm and be safe! :)

23 Dec 2010

Advent Day 23

Wow... tomorrow is Christmas Eve... where did this past year go? I can't believe that it's almost 2011!

This makes me laugh:

"Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you strike him with a rod, he will not die." ~ Proverbs 23:13

Although I also realize that it is a verse of much controversy... but it makes me laugh. I shall not get into a theological debate about whether it is or is not right to hit a child for discipline purposes. But here it is ladies and gentlemen... the verse IS in the Bible.

Pyoo left for NYC... AGAIN! That is okay... lots to do with everyone else... friends, family... that should keep me pretty busy until he gets back... but it does feel like he is gone extra long this time. And he didn't even leave me a Christmas present! Well... I guess I also didn't ask for anything specific... and according to what I wrote a couple of days ago, that would mean I shouldn't get anything... hahaha... but I don't think that applies to him. :P

Looking forward to just sitting back and relaxing... this weekend... doesn't even feel like a holiday... cause it's just a long weekend really.... but will make the most of it... as soon I finish these reports...

22 Dec 2010

Advent Day 22

And here we are at day 22...

"The reward for humility and fear of the Lord is riches, honour, and life." ~ Proverbs 22:4

Somehow I don't think God meant material riches when it said riches... maybe he did. I don't know the complete theology behind this verse... nor have the time to dig into it at the moment. Just made me think...

Was thinking this morning whether life would be easier had I stayed at HSBC... I don't know... these questions are dumb and useless. What's the point in wondering? I think that is my nature... I always like to think and "evaluate" to see whether the decisions I had made were for the best, or had I chosen otherwise, things would be better. This is a horrible way to think! It doesn't even matter, because this is where I am because of the choices I have made... it's not like I can go back in time and change these decisions... so why do I bother with stuff like that?! I really need to stop dwelling on my past decisions.

Sometimes I really dislike that nature in myself to always have to make the "best" choice. What do I measure this "best" by anyways? By the world's standard? By my parent's standards? By my past experiences? "Best" should be measured by God... so as long as I am walking in His will then I am on the "best" path that I can be on. Okay... if I look at my life from any other perspective at the moment, I will say perhaps I have not made the wisest choice.... but when I see it from God's perspective... or in the scheme of His bigger picture... life ain't so bad. Learning to see from a perspective that doesn't scream justice for myself... wow... it is not easy. But I think I'm on the right path to learning what true humility is...

21 Dec 2010

Advent Day 21

Wow... Christmas is in like 4 days...

My cousin is home safely! :)

So day 21 begins with me waking up groggy from the effects of Nyquil... Pyoo thinks I wake up like this everyday, I beg to differ. This morning was definitely the drugs.

Vanity... what does it even mean? Well according to dictionary.com it means the following:

excessive pride in one's appearance, qualities, abilities, achievements, etc; character or quality of being vain, conceit

Humility... on the reverse is:

the quality of condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc.

Interesting... puts the reason why God loves modest people in perspective. Only modest people have room for God, only they are capable of giving God the glory that He deserves. Vain people think so much of themselves that there is not room left to give glory to God... Learning to strive for humility is a continuous process... still working on it.

20 Dec 2010

Advent Day 18, 19 and 20

I appear to be getting lazy... you know, it's really hard to find something to write about everyday!

Slept in on Saturday (Day 18)... and then went to work. We had a Christmas Party... lost my voice after talking (and perhaps some yelling and screaming)... Woke up with a crazy runny nose... finally took some medicine before the party started... and it got me through the 4 hours without me trying to blow off my nose. Then it was attempted Christmas shopping... before giving up and going back to 18/F to just do nothing.

Sunday (Day 19) woke up tired... went to 11:30 service... had some lunch, and then headed over the the Leung's for Bacon and Eggs + Friends Christmas celebration! Mmmm... turkey and other foods from Vikki followed by some intense gift exchange action... so much stealing. I think by the end... most of the gifts had been stolen at least once... (except my wine glasses... *sigh*) and most were no longer available to be stolen.

Now back to today... Monday (Day 20)... wow... I can't believe that it's only a couple more days until Christmas. It honestly doesn't feel like it... I haven't done much Christmas shopping... nor do I have much of a mood for Christmas shopping. What do you buy for people who already has everything that they need? Maybe I should just start making donations in people's names as presents... How often has Christmas presents just sat in your home without ever being touched or used? I think I've been struggling with this for the past... I don't know how many years. Don't get me wrong... I love getting presents... (and having not bought anything for the past... 4-5 months I've definitely developed a little list of wants...) but I can't seem to justify buying useless things for people that I really don't think they're going to use...

This is one of my biggest struggles... I really dislike buying junk for people... but that makes it hard to buy for people who buy everything for themselves... hahahaha... so my conclusion is that I don't buy gifts for people... :P Unless they've specifically asked for something... I think that is the best solution... :)

17 Dec 2010

Advent Day 17

Sickness continues... with drinking my Chinese medicine at work... blech! So gross...

At least it's Friday today! Yay! And we have tickets to watch Harry Potter! :) I do have to work tomorrow though... but it's just a Christmas party, should be fun! It's always a pleasure to see all the kids from the centre out and about... being cute!

I'm happy about the cold weather... but at the same time not. hahaha... It's nice that it actually feels like winter, but without indoor heating... (and bad circulation on my part) it's just really hard to stay warm sometimes. For some reason it feels like cold air is coming into my room from somewhere, but I can't figure out from where... This cold air blowing on me while I sleep is not helping my recovery process...

This job always has been sitting on the fence between compassion and justice... on one hand I really want to help these people... but on the other, I really want to be fair. Have not yet reached a conclusion of some sort yet... still debating it in my head. Let's just say... arguing with someone yesterday... or sorry, trying to explain without raising my voice (which I couldn't actually physically do anyways...) made my throat hurt even worse when I finished work.

1 more hour... almost there... now back to my reports...

16 Dec 2010

Advent Day 15 amd 16...

Bah!!! Still sick!! And it doesn't help that the temperatures have dropped below 10... but I will not let it drag me down... I will get better... (although I do feel that the Chinese medicine is making me feel worse than it is making me feel better...)

So yesterday I missed another day of blogging... as well as another day of work. *sigh* What I had hoped to be a day of rest became a day of running around from doctor to doctor... and didn't really get to sit and rest until 5... Although it was a nice highlight when Pyoo came back from BKK and stayed in HK instead of going straight back up to SZ. I wasn't much company... but it was nice just to have him there taking care of me.

Feeling thankful for all of the people God has placed around me (you know who you guys are!) Just thankful for their walking with me through so much stuff in the past 2 years... sorry, almost 3 years that I've been in HK! Such a huge blessing to have people around me who are willing to ask the tough questions, pray through the hard times, but also know how to have a good time! I don't think I could be where I am today without their support and encouragement and most importantly prayers!!! And even those who haven't been near distance-wise... just thankful to those who have stayed in touch and makes an effort to find out what I've been up to... or just to say hi and what not! Just so so thankful!

Am also very thankful for my family. Very grateful to God for putting my whole family back together in one place! It's been a blessing that I can't even describe... and just for such supportive parents! God takes very good care of me! So even when I am sick like this... I am reminded of how much it sucked to be sick like this while I was living by myself in Edmonton, and so glad that it's not like that anymore. :)

Sick... but in a good mood!

14 Dec 2010

Advent Day 14

I should be working on some well... work... but I want to get this done first... :P It's almost lunch time anyways... and I'm HUNGRY!!! It's hard to concentrate when I'm hungry...

Have you ever had something weigh so heavy on your heart that you know that you won't be able to hear or see anything else until you submit in obedience to what God is calling you to do? That is how I am feeling right now... bah. I know I will not find peace... or that peace will not return until I listen and obey... So I shall... I shall...

God's word for me on the weekend was that I am a diamond. That is how God sees me... and not just any ordinary one... a very shiny, exquisite, and beautiful diamond. He came searching for me in the mines... But I'm no longer there, He has brought me out, cleaned me off, and cut me into the most beautiful diamond. He's polishing... and I wish to be so... I don't want to remain where I am now if God has more and better in store for me to become... Still processing all of the thoughts from the weekend... but I've started.

I want to get all this processing done... but this sickness is getting the best of me... and I still sound like a frog... :( Perhaps a visit to the doctor is required... *sigh*

13 Dec 2010

Advent Days 10, 11, 12 and 13

Now I shall make up for being MIA for the past 4 days...

Day 10: Work Christmas Party at Disneyland Hotel... and then got into Disneyland for free, but we only stayed long enough to watch the Lion King Show... :P Then it was off to Tung Chung for dinner and then to board the bus for the 180 retreat. I have to admit, I wasn't too excited, since I woke up that morning with a sore throat and all...

Day 11 and 12: Some crazy 180 retreat action... all while trying to fight this dang sore throat. Even now... I sound like a frog. I'm gonna try my best to not talk at work today. (So far.. it's not really working.) Retreat was good... I always love being near oceans and mountains... even though being outside with the wind makes me more sick... :P Had some good chats with people, played some silly games, spent some time with God... etc. Still thinking over the words that were spoken over me by Karla about being a diamond. Perhaps that could be another blog entry later... Retreat ended... and we all returned to the Vine for the Christmas Pageant. Then it was a mad dash out to the airport for Pyoo to catch his flight to Bkk. Ok... it wasn't that much of a mad dash... it was more crazy getting our luggage out from the church or just getting out of church in general than it was trying to get out to the airport. Pyoo wasn't the last one on the plane... so we made good time. :)

Day 13: And here we are... all caught up. Well... only kind of. I totally didn't do justice for the retreat... but I really think I will save that for another day. Today I still woke up sounding like a frog... should probably see a doctor... but don't really feel like it. There's something I really want to let go of... but I'm not quite sure how to go about it at the moment. I think it is time... and I should delay it no more... but oh my goodness, I really don't want to. So with that said... I don't really have much to write about at the moment... just need to pray and think about this some more...

9 Dec 2010

Advent Day 9

And day 9 began... with waking up with a crazy runny nose, and the decision to stay home as opposed to trying to fight the cold whilst at work... best decision ever! Instead of going to work... and then making myself more sick, I spent the day at home sleeping, and now I am feeling tonnes better!

I'm all packed... and ready for 180 retreat! And it's 10... and it's off to bed I go again! See ya'll in a couple of days after the retreat is over!

8 Dec 2010

Advent Day 8

Here we are... day 8.

Been thinking about this all morning... well, not all morning, but for the past little bit. What is it in us as ladies that causes us to desire to be beautiful? Not only that, but desires for that beauty in us to be affirmed by those around us. You know, as women we hear a lot "Your affirmation needs to come from God and not from anything or anyone else." But I would like to raise a question, is it not Biblical?

"Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 'Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.'" ~ Proverbs 31:28-29

I know he is not telling her that she is more beautiful than other women... but he does say that she is better than others.

"If you do not know, O most beautiful among women..." ~ Song of Solomon 1:8

Perhaps this is only okay within the context of marriage. Then again, maybe this shines a light onto why we desire to be "best" in the eyes of the one we love. There's always the argument that it is because of the curse from Genesis 3.

"Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you." ~ Genesis 3:16b

I think I may just be digging a hole for myself at the moment. But I continue to dig... I wonder if this is all because we are God's creation, God sees us all as so, and therefore finds us all beautiful and lovable. Therefore, for us to be praised is actually bringing praise and glory to God because He is our maker. So our inner desire to be praised is actually built into us by God because it brings him delight when we praise His creation, which means we are praising Him!

I know that this has been so skewed in our minds... and we get in danger when we desire that praise for ourselves, and don't turn the glory back to God. But let's leave that whole thing for another day.

Please don't send me hate mail... these are just my thoughts. They're not solidly grounded in anything.

7 Dec 2010

Advent Day 7

Got a lot of thoughts on my mind... but honestly, none of them are blog-worthy.

The weather's cooled off a lot this morning, it's nice. Starting to actually feel like December, perhaps... with the cold, it'll actually feel like Christmas is coming. Finished my Christmas cards... sorry to those of you who won't get one in the mail, I find myself getting lazier and lazier every year, the pack of cards I buy gets smaller and smaller... :P There's also the issue of not having addresses for a lot of people whom I wish to send a card to... My hand is a bit stiff and sore this morning from trying to finish all my cards last night. Now to get everything in the mail... I hope it all arrives on time... I'm cutting things a bit close this year... actually I think I do this every year.. :P

Was reading Proverbs 7 this morning... makes one think about the issue of sexual immorality... makes me think of all the news stands in Hong Kong that sells porn so shamelessly... and the alley I walk through every day in Chungking that's filled with this stuff... this stuff really is on every street corner... "at every corner she lies in wait." Solomon says the only way to keep from stumbling is to keep the Word of God in our hearts, to keep the teaching of God as "the apple of our eye." God must be our most desired, and we must know His word if we are to fight this fight... It's a hard fight, but it is not hopeless... "And if our God is for is then who could ever stop us, and if our God is with us then what could stand against."

6 Dec 2010

Advent Day 5 and 6... :P

So sad... I missed yesterday, but it could not be helped. I just didn't have time yesterday.

Anyways right now I just feel stupid... or just socially awkward. Francis Chan walked into our office this morning, and all I could do was stare. Hahaha... and after awkward staring from me, all I could say was "Hi!"... hahaha :P I feel like I met a celebrity... I wish I could've said what I want to say... oh well. Will just pray for him and his family, and God will speak to him. :)

To be very serious... all I can think about is Francis Chan... hahaha, we went to hear him speak on Crazy Love on Saturday, and then again on Sunday morning. This morning, I see him at work... so cool! Just been really blessed by the words that God speaks through him this past year.

Reflections wise... I think what he spoke about really tied in with what I wrote about a couple of days ago, about desire. God doesn't beg us to love him and worship him. Jesus paints for us a very real and blunt picture of what it means to follow God, and if we don't deem him worthy, then it is pointless for us to follow him. It all starts with whether we think he is worth, whether we think that he is worth more than anything else, and desire Him more than anything else in our lives.

Honestly, I really am still just in awe and shock. I know that it is because of some of things that I have received from listening to his podcasts that I have given up the bank to end up at this very job... that I heard God speak about pyoo... it's just so very very cool! I do pray that God will continue to bless him and his family as they continue to walk out His purpose for their lives. And that God will continue to bless their odedience to Him! :)

Even more so... I'm amused and in awe of God actually. Just so very very amused by the things he brings into my day, and the surprises that awaits me daily from Him... that reminds me of Him, what he's done in my life, and how much he loves me! He is soo soo good to me!

Okay... I guess I should also confess... one of the reasons I didn't have time to do my blog was because pyoo and I had to finish our Korean Drama watching... we finished watching our first ever korean dram together. Hahaha... it's nice to have someone to translate when the subtitles are really crap! Plus... it's helping me learn korean... so it was very useful and dare I saw beneficial to our relationship. :P Regardless, it was a good time, and I think sometimes the both of us just needs time to just sit and enjoy and do mindless activities. So I don't care... because I was enjoying quality time with pyoo!

4 Dec 2010

Advent Day 4

Day 4...

Today I thought about focus.

"Let your eyes directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you." ~Proverbs 4:25

And then I thought about where I am heading. I read this today:

"But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until the full day." ~ Proverbs 4:18

And I really liked it... it was a good reminder that I am always in light, no matter how uncertain my future is. And as I walk out what God wants for me, I am always walking towards the light. As I walk closer and closer towards what God has in store for me.. as I walk out his plan and his path for me... the brighter and brighter it becomes... and the more and more it makes sense. As well... the closer I get to Him, which means the closer I am to living in the light of His glory. That's pretty awesome.

Been thinking about dreams alot.. and God's purposes and plans for my life. He's been reminding me a lot that this isn't it, and that he still has a lot more in store for me, and that he has big plans for me. My life is not meant to be insignificant... none of our lives are. It's so encouraging to know that God's hand over my life... but at the same time... what that encompasses is so large, so scary as well.

Excited... but scared out of my mind... :P

3 Dec 2010

Advent Day 3

Alright... so begins day 3...

Oh no I didn't get a chance to finish this today... and it is now 2 in the morning... but since I have not gone to bed yet... this still counts... :P

I have nothing deep and profound today, but it's been a really good day. Learned a bit about myself... we had to do these personality tests for work and apparently I fall into the classic profile of a perfectionist. I actually thought that was really funny. The description actually seemed to fit me quite right. This I actually found really funny... because I thought it was just the Canadian in me... but perhaps, it's more than just that...

Courteous: The words "please" and "thank you" may be instinctive to you. Because basic decency and respect go a long way, such an approach is bound to help form a satisfying environment.

On other good news... short chat with a friend in New York this morning to test out a new iPhone app... soooo funny! Too bad I had to work, would've been nice to be able to catch up a bit more... but I'll call again... cause the new apps allows for FREE phone calls! Called another friend from home... and heard good news from her! Was sooo happy to hear her voice, and hear her so happy! I literally started jumping up and down with glee at pyoo's.... :P Oh and did I mention that Pyoo bought me flowers today?

Nothing from the Bible today... but today was a day for me... where God showed me through so many different channels that He is a good God... and that He loves me, and everyone else around me! :) Hope you all had a good day as well.

2 Dec 2010

Advent Day 2

So in celebration of the Christmas season... I've decided to alternate between red and green... :)

Today let's talk about desire. So this past weekend I was on a mission's trip with pyoo and his Plus at the Agape Family Life House. While we were there, one of the songs we sang the most was 'My All in All"... in Mandarin of course. Hahaha... anyways, one of the lines to that song is:

"Seeking you as a precious jewel, Lord to give up I'd be a fool, you are my all in all"

In Proverbs 2 it says:

"if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God."

But before this seeking can take place, before these words can be real in our lives, it must begin with a desire for God. Think of a time when you've really wanted something. Because I am a girl, for the sake of illustration purposes, I will use shoes. I love shoes, and sometimes when I see a pair of shoes that I really like it really sucks when they come back and tell you, "sorry miss, we don't have your size." Then begins a search of different shoe shops that may sell the same pair of shoes, but in my size... A couple of months ago, while I was on such a search for a certain pair of shoes, it hit me. Shouldn't I search for God with that same desire and passion? If I am willing to search high and low for a pair of shoes, should my God not get the same from me if not more than that?

So before even the searching begins, the thought for today is, do I have that desire and thirst for God? Is there such a strong desire within me for my God that I would search high and low until I find Him? I think there is no point for me to even go searching for Him, if I don't desire Him in that way... because unless I desire in that way, I will not search for it the way it talks about searching for it in Proverbs. So today I will learn to desire more hungrily for my God!

1 Dec 2010

Advent Day 1

So I don't even know who reads this blog anymore... but for December, I've decided to try and do an entry a day, as my own advent calendar. We'll see how this goes.

So my thoughts on Advent day 1 begins...

Repent. That was what was resounding through my head as I fell asleep... or perhaps, it was Mark Driscoll's voice as I fell asleep listening to his podcast. Not to say that the podcast was bad... but it was 1 in the morning, and I was tired! It was in reality, blunt and right in the face as usual, and I wanted very badly to listen to all of it, but just did not have the energy... plus the podcast goes on for 1 hour and 20 mins!!! Regardless, that was one of the things that I was thinking of as I fell into deep deep slumber...

This morning I read this:
"If you turn at my reproof, behold, I will pour out my spirit to you;
I will make my words known to you." ~ Proverbs 1:23

I think God's thoughts for me this morning was very simple... as the advent season begins, as I begin this countdown towards the celebration of His Son's birth, it must begin with repentence. As I start this journey to meeting Him in a new way this Christmas season, I must repent before I may experience the Spirit in a new way, and gain a new understanding of His Word. Today I will repent.