4 Aug 2010

remember to take the time to smell the daisies!

flowers: someone mentioned "take time to smell the roses" the other morning. So I took the idea and ran with it...
This is what resulted: buying flowers for all the ladies in the office.
The response: A lot of why's and where did the flowers come from? Which was accompanied by smiles all around. :) Hahaha... Why? Because I wanted to. Where did they come from? I bought them!
I didn't do it for gratitude, or even the smiles on the their faces... while a little bit for that. I did it mainly because I've come to realize, young or old, ladies love flowers. Well... maybe not... but I like to think that flowers brighten up our days... and it entices something in our hearts as women. There is a sense of appreciation that lights up in the heart when women receives flowers... there is a sense that they've been thought about... I don't quite know how to explain it, but that's why I did it. To let each of the ladies in the office know that they've been thought of and are appreciated for who they are and what they do. Ultimately my goal is that they will know that their Father in heaven loves them, and is thinking of them and appreciates and loves them for who they are and delights in all that they do!
My job is really simply to be obedient and do as God asks. The rest... the spiritual part... that I leave in God's hands.