11 Jun 2010

what's next has arrived...

hmmm... so it's been a very crazy 2 weeks :P

So, those of you who were at 180 about 2 weeks ago, would've heard me share about my situation. (For those who missed it... you'll definitely have to download the podcast of Lance!) Anyways... so during ministry time, I just really felt God prompting me to go grab the mic and share. To tell them that sometimes God asks you to give up things without giving anything in return, and you're simply left waiting on Him. There is no certainty of what will come next, or even when that will come... but even in that it is good, it just takes an extra measure to faith to believe that He has an amazing plan, and that it WILL come to pass. Then to explain, that was exactly where I was.

If you haven't talked to me in awhile, or been following my blog, God asked me to give up my job at the end of last year. Long story short, He asked me to give up my job and to follow my heart... which ultimately means to follow Him. At the time, I felt the desire to go back to school and do a degree in Social Work (I still have that desire!). It didn't matter that when I quit in January, I would not have an acceptance into school yet, I just knew that regardless of whether I got in or not God had something better than HSBC for me. So I took that plunge and quit my job. So began my period of waiting on God.

My last post was about how I didn't get in, and that was basically what I shared at 180. I followed God... and then I didn't get into school and I had no idea what I would be doing now. After my sharing, someone basically came over and offered me an employment opportunity. I prayed about it... tried for it, and now I will be starting work on Monday! (If you want to know the full story, just ask! It's more fun to share that way!)

God has blown my mind once again... and I am left speechless in awe of Him... He is soo soo good! I am a little nervous about working again... because unemployment has been really really nice... but I'm also excited for what God will be showing me at my new job! :)

sidenote: 2 more weeks to New York!!!