27 May 2010

So the answer was no...

Hmm... so I guess it's about time I sent out the latest update. The irony of it is that right after my last post, where I decided I was gonna "name it and claim it" I got the email from HKU rejecting my application. So... I didn't get in.

So how am I feeling? Confused, disappointed, maybe a tinge of anger, but mainly just more confusion. I wasn't kidding when I said that I had no plan B... because I trusted that this was what God had in store for me. I still trust that God has an even better plan A for me than me going back to school. :)

What now? Don't ask... because I honestly don't know. Waiting on God for the next step of action. At the moment I will continue to pray and seek Him... at the same time... prepare for New York... in less than one month! EEK!!!

Gonna hang on to God's promises over my life... because they are amazing... and they're gonna blow my mind! Plus... it's like the best way to live life... well... it definitely keeps me on the edge of my seat. hahaha... it's not the easiest... because the always not knowing and waiting gets to me sometimes, but the end result has always been better than I could have planned for myself!

So that's that... my quick update for now. :)

12 May 2010

a lesson in prayer from my Father in heaven

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." ~ Mark 11:24

These have been the recurring words from my quiet time in the past week. So I'm going to start praying with the belief that He is going to open up that spot for me at HKU.

This is an area of prayer that I've really been struggling with in the last while. For the longest time I've been feeling that I can't just ask God to open up that spot and see Him come through, because that would limit God. I'm not giving Him the room to do what He will in my life. It's like what if God doesn't open that spot and things don't work out? But this past week, I've been wondering if that means I am doubting what God has called me to do. Before I quit my job, I distinctly felt that God was calling me to a time of equipping and that He was calling me away from the financial industry and into the area of social work. Therefore, by not praying specifically into what God has called me to do... do I not believe that this has been His calling over my life?

Someone had given me this verse a couple of months ago: "But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a doubleminded man, unstable in all his ways." (James 1:6-8) I don't want to be like that man... I'm going to start asking in faith and with no doubting. I know what I heard many many months ago, and I'm not about to let uncertainty steer me away from what God has called me to do. I'm not going to let the enemy continue sowing his seeds of doubt into my heart.

Today I start anew, today I start fresh... I'm getting on my knees and praying in expectation that on September 1st, I will be starting school. There may be more crying... and more humbling to be done by God, but He is a good God, and I trust that He will make me ready for September... whatever that may mean. Should be another interesting couple of months!