14 Apr 2010

missions... i love!

I'm trying to get my practicing done for Vine Band touring, but I need to get all this processed first, so here we go. 2 blog entries in 2 days! Woohoo! :)

You know it's funny... 4 years ago, I was trying to go to China to work in an orphanage of disabled kids, and it fell through. Now, 4 years later, I get to go to 2 different sites to work with 2 different groups of disabled kids! I ended up at a Children's Home in the Philippines. Looking back, I probably wasn't quite ready to go to China to work with abandoned children.

So from Mar26-28 I got to go to Langfeng, and then Apr1-6 I was in Hengyang. One was a foster home with 20 some physically disabled kids, and the second was a ministry ran inside a government run Welfare center. In the latter, we got to work with 135 physically and mentally disabled kids. Both were amazing.

One thing that kept resounding in my head was Mother's love. That's something I don't talk about... and haven't touched on in a very long time. God reminded me of my very own abandoned child and through each baby held, each coo heard, each finger pull, each smile received... God restored them into my heart. He taught me to love these kids and babies, and through it He taught me how much He loves me. Through teaching me to love these abandoned kids, I saw God's love for my own. There is no need for me to be sad, or feel like I've missed out because God is love, and my child rests in God's perfect love.

God has given me a Mother's heart, and I know that is from Him and He as well has the heart of a Mother. We always talk about the Father heart of God, but God is both a Mother and a Father to us. As the babies in the room cried, or with every tug on my shirt or arm... I got a glimpse of the Mother's heart of God. The tender side of wanting to scoop us up and hold us until we stop crying, or to just listen to the stories that must be shared, or simply just to give the hug or cuddle that is wanted. I wish my arms were big enough to hold them all in my arms, but they are not, and I had to hold them one at a time.

One of the things that touched my heart the most was walking with a child who's just learning how to walk. Just holding her arms and steadying her as she walks up and down the corridors and around the room. As her and I walked, God spoke. He told me that's how it is when He's trying to teach me something new... and as I try to learn to walk in the new things on my own, He's holding me and keeping me steady. He's ready to catch me when I get tired and just want to plop myself down right then and there, whether it be to catch my fall or to hold me up and get me to keep going. Through out the whole process though, He doesn't let go... and His grip is strong, no matter how hard we pull or try to let go... He hangs onto us. :)

I thought I had missed out, but I know that I haven't at all. God gave me a very special glimpse into His heart for me and for my child. Through each child I met during those 2 weekends, I got back a piece of my own... and it restores my heart and gives me a peace that I just don't quite know how to explain or describe. God is good!

13 Apr 2010

Do you know that it is really hard to sulk at God, and be angry at Him? That's what I wanted to do today... just sit and be angry with God, and it is not working out so well.

The school front is looking rather bleak... CUHK has outright declined my application. HKU has given me no offer or a spot on the waiting list. She did say that there would be another 2 rounds of offers still... and that my chances aren't exactly zero. She was waaaay nicer than the lady at CUHK and waaaaay more encouraging! I've been trying to complain to God, and demand answers from Him... but it hasn't been working so well.

First of all... we had this conversation on the weekend already. I already told God yes or no from HKU I will still love Him, and trust in him. He asked me time and time again on the weekend "Do you trust me?" I told him I do... so I will continue to trust. God's track record in my life is 100%.... he has NEVER failed me, and He will NEVER fail me. Therefore, I will trust.

Second of all, he reminded me of something. When I was having doubts about leaving HSBC, he gave me this scripture "But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it." ~ 2 Timothy 3:14 He reminded me of that night... and the reassurance He gave me, and the peace that accompanied that reassurance.

I'll be honest, it hasn't been easy. I'm not tired... my eyes are puffy because of the crying. I'm leaning on my God to carry me through this, because there is no backup plan. School or no school, God's plan is my plan... and that's all that matters to me. I know that God has a plan for me... and I know that it's gonna be crazy, so I will keep going like He has asked me to do.

On top of loving me... God gave me something really precious on the Hengyang missions trip, so with that I will keep going. (Will share on that in a later blog!) I know that it is a good God who loves me, and that He will neither leave me nor forsake me. He will carry me when I am weary and unable to walk. So... once again being angry at God fail... learning more about how much God loves me and how much He just wants me to let go and trust in Him... definitely win-win!