29 Aug 2008

smothered with love...

Wow... what an interesting month August has been. I've had some good times, and some... not so good times, but Glory to God through all of it! He has definitely come through for me in a big way this past month! I can't believe that it's almost September... and that my contract here is more than half over!

It has definitely been a very stretching month for me. Thanks for all of those who have informed me of certain news at home. I love you all so much for checking in on me, and for caring so very very much! Even though I was fine, and it didn't bother me at all, it still meant the world to me that so many of you sought me out to make sure that I was alright. It is all because of God's grace that I can tell so many of you that I am fine and that I have moved towards forgiveness. True forgiveness, because I wish them the very best for the future. :) Of course all your caring ended up moving me to tears because it made me miss ya'll so much! I feel so loved!

I can't believe how far God has carried these past 3 years. He has put me in my place this past month. There is indeed nothing that is impossible for God. Despite the fact that having your past creep up on you out of nowhere rather irked me, through it I've truly seen that God is bigger than my past. He's in complete control, and He's known exactly what He's doing since the very beginning. It was so silly of me to doubt and not believe. I'm finally getting my chance to speak my mind... and to reconcile. God showered me with so much grace, it's about time I share some of that grace with others.

To continue with this cleaning out of garbage that God is so obviously doing this month... my phone died. Hundreds of phone numbers and approx 200 text messages... ALL GONE! Except I believe that it was a good thing. Inconvenient... but good. I am now unable to reach more than half my friends and I have lost all my text messages that I like to read for fun... cause they put a smile on my face. But God's made His point loud and clear. When He said that He was giving me a second chance, a brand new start, a clean slate, He meant it. It's about time I let go of all that I left behind, and it's about time I stop dwelling on all that I miss.