24 Jun 2008

complexities of the female mind...

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." ~I Peter 3:3-4

The world tells us that we need to look a certain way, have a certain body type, have a certain type of hair cut, wear a certain type of clothes... and that will make us "beautiful." Oh how often us girls buy into all that, and fall into that trap of lies that Satan has set up for us to fall into. We see it everyday, in the eating disorders, the suicidal attempts, the promiscuity, us girls will do anything to feel accepted and loved. Well, it's breaking God's heart! I know because I feel it and I've felt it for awhile now. God's heart for the broken women of this generation.

He wants you to know that your identity isn't found in these things. Your identity isn't based on what you look like, what you wear, what you own, who you know, who you're going out with or not going out with. These things are a temporary satisfaction! They will never fulfill you and satisfy you the way the love of God will! These things will not comfort you when you are sad, they will not wipe the tears from your eyes. I have been there, and I'm sick and tired of buying into those lies.

I have had it with thinking that I'm not beautiful in the world's standard. I'm tired of being bombarded with ads that tell me I need certain things to make me "happy." I am most fed up with the lies that tell me I need a significant other to complete me. I am lacking in nothing because I am complete in Christ Jesus my Lord! I am complete as I am. I have found joy in God.

My prayer is that the women of this generation will stop buying into these lies, and start pressing into all the promises that God has for us. God has made it very clear that is our inner beauty that is of great worth to God. It does not say in the Bible that how we look and dress is important to God. So stop beating yourself because you don't look a certain way, stop starving yourself because you're not a certain weight, and start to see yourself as God sees you. Not only that, but start loving yourself the way God does! "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." (I Corinthians 6:19-20) Please stop cutting or torturing your body because of whatever reasons! You are precious to God, and He loves you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE! And most of all, I pray that we will stop lowering our standards for the opposite sex. If he refuses to see you and treasure you the way that God does, honestly, he's not worth it. Your actions do matter, and the drawing of unhealthy attention is really only going to hurt you in the long run. So I plead that you protect your heart and that inner beauty that God has given you!

I have fallen into all these traps. For the longest time, satan used all of these things to tell me that I was unworthy and that I was not good enough. Well, God's shown me otherwise and I refuse to stay silent any longer. I pray that you too will find your identity and confidence in Christ and in Christ alone. God bless.

17 Jun 2008

scar on my heart

the wounds that no one saw
the pain that no one could feel
the experience that no one understands
left a scar on my heart

the words that cut like a knife
the actions that drew blood
the abuse that brought tears
left a scar on my heart

my scar holds me back... it reminds me to be be careful
but it also reminds me that God is good and He heals

learning to miss...

I missed you today. But I know that you're with God, and He's taking care of you.
Just wished that you could be here, but I find reassurance in knowing that I'll be able to spend eternity with you in heaven. Until then, I'll leave you with God.

The grieving has ended... and I simply miss now. The other emotions have gone as well... all that remains is a longing for your presense. It is okay, because you're in my heart.

I think I'm gonna be okay. :)

5 Jun 2008

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" ~II Corinthians 5:17

Wow... so much packing... so much to be thrown out. In the last 18 years that I have been living in Canada, I think I have kept anything and everything that I deemed worthy of keeping. I think I emptied about 5 shoeboxes filled with notes from jr high and up... notes filled with teen angst... mainly about what else? Boys of course. Hahaha... about 20 binders worth of notes, assignments, and random handouts in class... Thank goodness for the digital age, otherwise I think I'd have more photo albums worth of pictures.

It's really out with the old. But not so much in with the new. But I think it's exactly how I'm feeling inside. I'm leaving this old part of me behind for the new person that I've found in HK. I know I'm not the same as when I left only 4 months ago. (Thanks for those who've noticed.) As I pack up all this stuff, and throw things out, I feel like I'm really done with all that used to cause me so much pain. It is truly behind me, and I've embraced the new joy that God's given me. :)

As I sit here, literally in the midst of all my crap, I am lost for words. As I pull up past treasure after past treasure... I wonder why I ever kept all these things in the first place. I've got quite the collection of knick knacks... a little of everything, but for what use?

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destory, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." ~Matthew 6:19-21

At first before I came home, I thought throwing all that stuff out would be really hard and going through everything would also be hard, but it hasn't been so bad. Maybe my attitude towards this whole thing has changed. Perhaps, it is because I no longer find comforts in all of these "things." I've definitely overindulged myself over the years, and while it would be nice to keep everything, it is not necessary for my survival. I have been without all of these things the last 4 months, and most of it, I didn't even miss, or remember that I had.

These things that I own did not bring comfort while I was feeling low. It was God, and my friends who were there when I needed a shoulder to cry on, or an word of encouragement. It is not these things that keep me accountable, or these things that define who I am. All of these things and more I've already found in Christ Jesus my Savior, so... why should I be sad at all this? :)

I say this now... we'll see what happens when I can't even keep the little that I wish to take with me. I'll be clinging hard to God's promises for my life. Please pray... hahaha... there's still lots to go through....