29 Dec 2008


I saw this picture in the Standard the other day. It reminded me of friends... 'nough said.

18 Dec 2008

at the bottom...

Home by Micheal Buble... the song that makes me sad. It reminds me of one the most surreal days in my whole entire life up to this point.

~The first time I heard this song was in your car. The first time I heard this song, I started to cry... but no one knew. It was the morning after I found out... the morning when everything in my life came crashing in on me. The start of my long climb back up the steep slippery slope I had fallen down.

I cried because the words were the cry of my heart. They were the words I was crying out to God.

Maybe surrounded by A million people I Still feel all alone I just wanna go home Oh I miss you, you know"

I wanted to go home to the Father. Never in my life had I ever been so disappointed, so devastated, so lost and so confused. ~

God's been digging deeper... I feel like He's ripping me apart from the inside out. Somedays the pain is so unbearable... and I just hurt. Don't know how to express the pain... not even through tears. So I just hurt.

9 Dec 2008

A Prayer for You

this is actually titled A Prayer for the Ephesians in the NIV, but I thought it was good... so wanted to share it with ya'll.

"For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." ~Ephesians 3:14-21

*note: During Paul's time, Ephesus was a major commercial centre. It was one of the greatest trading centres in the Eastern Mediterranean. A large extent of her prosperity was due to its geographical location.

5 Nov 2008

my prayer...

strip me of my friends
strip me of my family
strip me of my dreams
strip me of my desires
strip me of all that i hope for
strip me of my music
strip me of my ministries
strip me of basketball
strip me of hockey
strip me of my academic achievements
strip me of all my head knowledge
strip me of my fears
strip me of my anxieties
strip me of my doubts
strip me of my money
strip me of my pride
strip me of all that pains me
strip me of all that brings me joy
strip me of all that i believe ME to be

what remains will be a slab of clay waiting for the Artist to come and turn it into a beautiful work of art.

3 Oct 2008

what's in a name?!

My 2 worlds have collided lately... with the influx of visitors... and to be honest, it feels rather strange. When I left Edmonton 8 months ago, I didn't think very far ahead. A part of me simply saw Hong Kong as an escape, because in my tunnel vision, I had but one thing on my mind. I needed to get outta Edmonton. I needed to be gone from there... for my sanity's sake! So upon arrival... I made a decision to leave behind the "old me" and start fresh... and one of those things was to stop introducing myself as Cel (pronounced Cil.) This name of mine, is what leads me to this blog entry...

I've been known as Cel for so long now... my family calls me by that name! Call my house and ask for Cel... and you shall get me... (most of the time... given you get the right number and that my family can hear you... hahahaha :P) With the influx of visitors and hearing my friends call me that once again.. (not just online, or in emails but outloud) it feels nice. It's familiar... and it feels right. hahaha... Cece (with the Chinese accent) or Cec... or Ce... is not. They are honestly very foreign and strange sounding to me... sometimes I think to myself... "That's not my name... I have a nickname, I don't need a new one..."

Anyways, that's still not the point. The point is that I can't run away from myself. I can't pretend that a part of me doesn't exist. Haha.. trust me, I've tried pretty hard. The truth is that, everything I've tried to leave behind is a part of me. Always has and always will be. Me going by another name, doesn't make me a different person. :P I'm slowly learning to embrace everything for what it is... part of God's plan for my life. Ultimately it will all be used for His glory. Yes, there are parts that were painful.. and events that I'd rather pretend like they didn't exist in my story... but they do. All these things combined, is what makes it MY story and no one elses.

God is so gracious and compassionate... and as I learn to embrace all that he's given me.. good AND bad... I know that greater things are yet to come! :)

"When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider: God has made the one as well as the other." ~ Ecclesiastes 7:14a

30 Sept 2008

A new door?!??!

8 months... and counting. I can't believe that it's been 8m months... just like that! With 4 months left, I've been doing a lot of thinking about what's next. I've also been doing a lot of thinking about what's happened in the past 8 months.

As I near the end of this contract... I find a potential new door before me. It could be an amazing opportunity if it all works out. Yet, I'm scared that I'll still be miserable. I know that I have a choice to make... and neither of them are easy. Neither of them are set in stone, neither are for sure. They're just possible things that I could do. They are very different from each other. Basically my choices are 1) stay on my current career path and 2) make a career change.

It's doing something familiar in a new place, or doing something new in a familiar place. Bah! I don't like being put in a position where a decision needs to be made. Perhaps this is why God keeps putting me in positions where I have to... I need to learn where my heart lies and where my passions lie. I need to figure what I love doing more. I need to really look into my heart, and into God's will for my life... and see what I need to do.

Prayers please! Thanks!

7 Sept 2008

On Forgiveness...

"When forgiveness finally roots in you, you find you have nothing left to say at all." ~Jenny Schroedel

"When we forgive evil we do not excuse it, we do not tolerate it, we do not smother it. We look evil full in the face, call it what it is, let its horror shock and stun and enrage us and only then do we forgive it." ~ Lewis Smedes

Why is a life of forgiveness that hardest thing to live out? Why is Jesus' example of forgiveness so hard to follow? I have but one word: Pride. My pride stands in my way between hanging onto a grudge and forgiving completely... but I know that God is working on changing that.

29 Aug 2008

smothered with love...

Wow... what an interesting month August has been. I've had some good times, and some... not so good times, but Glory to God through all of it! He has definitely come through for me in a big way this past month! I can't believe that it's almost September... and that my contract here is more than half over!

It has definitely been a very stretching month for me. Thanks for all of those who have informed me of certain news at home. I love you all so much for checking in on me, and for caring so very very much! Even though I was fine, and it didn't bother me at all, it still meant the world to me that so many of you sought me out to make sure that I was alright. It is all because of God's grace that I can tell so many of you that I am fine and that I have moved towards forgiveness. True forgiveness, because I wish them the very best for the future. :) Of course all your caring ended up moving me to tears because it made me miss ya'll so much! I feel so loved!

I can't believe how far God has carried these past 3 years. He has put me in my place this past month. There is indeed nothing that is impossible for God. Despite the fact that having your past creep up on you out of nowhere rather irked me, through it I've truly seen that God is bigger than my past. He's in complete control, and He's known exactly what He's doing since the very beginning. It was so silly of me to doubt and not believe. I'm finally getting my chance to speak my mind... and to reconcile. God showered me with so much grace, it's about time I share some of that grace with others.

To continue with this cleaning out of garbage that God is so obviously doing this month... my phone died. Hundreds of phone numbers and approx 200 text messages... ALL GONE! Except I believe that it was a good thing. Inconvenient... but good. I am now unable to reach more than half my friends and I have lost all my text messages that I like to read for fun... cause they put a smile on my face. But God's made His point loud and clear. When He said that He was giving me a second chance, a brand new start, a clean slate, He meant it. It's about time I let go of all that I left behind, and it's about time I stop dwelling on all that I miss.

24 Jun 2008

complexities of the female mind...

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." ~I Peter 3:3-4

The world tells us that we need to look a certain way, have a certain body type, have a certain type of hair cut, wear a certain type of clothes... and that will make us "beautiful." Oh how often us girls buy into all that, and fall into that trap of lies that Satan has set up for us to fall into. We see it everyday, in the eating disorders, the suicidal attempts, the promiscuity, us girls will do anything to feel accepted and loved. Well, it's breaking God's heart! I know because I feel it and I've felt it for awhile now. God's heart for the broken women of this generation.

He wants you to know that your identity isn't found in these things. Your identity isn't based on what you look like, what you wear, what you own, who you know, who you're going out with or not going out with. These things are a temporary satisfaction! They will never fulfill you and satisfy you the way the love of God will! These things will not comfort you when you are sad, they will not wipe the tears from your eyes. I have been there, and I'm sick and tired of buying into those lies.

I have had it with thinking that I'm not beautiful in the world's standard. I'm tired of being bombarded with ads that tell me I need certain things to make me "happy." I am most fed up with the lies that tell me I need a significant other to complete me. I am lacking in nothing because I am complete in Christ Jesus my Lord! I am complete as I am. I have found joy in God.

My prayer is that the women of this generation will stop buying into these lies, and start pressing into all the promises that God has for us. God has made it very clear that is our inner beauty that is of great worth to God. It does not say in the Bible that how we look and dress is important to God. So stop beating yourself because you don't look a certain way, stop starving yourself because you're not a certain weight, and start to see yourself as God sees you. Not only that, but start loving yourself the way God does! "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." (I Corinthians 6:19-20) Please stop cutting or torturing your body because of whatever reasons! You are precious to God, and He loves you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE! And most of all, I pray that we will stop lowering our standards for the opposite sex. If he refuses to see you and treasure you the way that God does, honestly, he's not worth it. Your actions do matter, and the drawing of unhealthy attention is really only going to hurt you in the long run. So I plead that you protect your heart and that inner beauty that God has given you!

I have fallen into all these traps. For the longest time, satan used all of these things to tell me that I was unworthy and that I was not good enough. Well, God's shown me otherwise and I refuse to stay silent any longer. I pray that you too will find your identity and confidence in Christ and in Christ alone. God bless.

17 Jun 2008

scar on my heart

the wounds that no one saw
the pain that no one could feel
the experience that no one understands
left a scar on my heart

the words that cut like a knife
the actions that drew blood
the abuse that brought tears
left a scar on my heart

my scar holds me back... it reminds me to be be careful
but it also reminds me that God is good and He heals

learning to miss...

I missed you today. But I know that you're with God, and He's taking care of you.
Just wished that you could be here, but I find reassurance in knowing that I'll be able to spend eternity with you in heaven. Until then, I'll leave you with God.

The grieving has ended... and I simply miss now. The other emotions have gone as well... all that remains is a longing for your presense. It is okay, because you're in my heart.

I think I'm gonna be okay. :)

5 Jun 2008

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" ~II Corinthians 5:17

Wow... so much packing... so much to be thrown out. In the last 18 years that I have been living in Canada, I think I have kept anything and everything that I deemed worthy of keeping. I think I emptied about 5 shoeboxes filled with notes from jr high and up... notes filled with teen angst... mainly about what else? Boys of course. Hahaha... about 20 binders worth of notes, assignments, and random handouts in class... Thank goodness for the digital age, otherwise I think I'd have more photo albums worth of pictures.

It's really out with the old. But not so much in with the new. But I think it's exactly how I'm feeling inside. I'm leaving this old part of me behind for the new person that I've found in HK. I know I'm not the same as when I left only 4 months ago. (Thanks for those who've noticed.) As I pack up all this stuff, and throw things out, I feel like I'm really done with all that used to cause me so much pain. It is truly behind me, and I've embraced the new joy that God's given me. :)

As I sit here, literally in the midst of all my crap, I am lost for words. As I pull up past treasure after past treasure... I wonder why I ever kept all these things in the first place. I've got quite the collection of knick knacks... a little of everything, but for what use?

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destory, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." ~Matthew 6:19-21

At first before I came home, I thought throwing all that stuff out would be really hard and going through everything would also be hard, but it hasn't been so bad. Maybe my attitude towards this whole thing has changed. Perhaps, it is because I no longer find comforts in all of these "things." I've definitely overindulged myself over the years, and while it would be nice to keep everything, it is not necessary for my survival. I have been without all of these things the last 4 months, and most of it, I didn't even miss, or remember that I had.

These things that I own did not bring comfort while I was feeling low. It was God, and my friends who were there when I needed a shoulder to cry on, or an word of encouragement. It is not these things that keep me accountable, or these things that define who I am. All of these things and more I've already found in Christ Jesus my Savior, so... why should I be sad at all this? :)

I say this now... we'll see what happens when I can't even keep the little that I wish to take with me. I'll be clinging hard to God's promises for my life. Please pray... hahaha... there's still lots to go through....

21 May 2008

simply sad...

I am simply overcome by sadness. It has been a hard week... and everything all together just made me overwhelmingly homesick. My grandpa passed away last week and today was the funeral. There... I said it. How sad is it that I don't feel like I can tell people, but I can post it here on the internet. But I guess that is where the feeling homesick part comes in.
I'm trying so hard, but somedays I still feel so alone. I feel like when I needed a friend, a shoulder to cry on the most, the world walked out on me and left me no one. When I needed just one encouraging word, a hug, or even just a pat on the shoulder, I came up empty. I'm tired of reaching out, can someone please reach in.
I miss having those few numbers that I can call when I'm in need. I miss those who always know when to call and what to say. I really could've used a kind word today... even just a simple text or a missed call to know that someone thought of me today. To know someone remembered...
Maybe I've been too cautious, and not open enough. Maybe I just haven't tried hard enough to open up? I really don't know what else I can do... I've already laid aside my pride and dignity. I really have no more to give... I really don't.

16 May 2008

3 times...

Deut 31:6, 7-8, 23

3 times this morning God said "Be strong and courageous"

He said to be strong and courageous because:
~He is with me
~He will never leave me or forsake me
~God will fulfill His promise
~He has gone before me

He also said to not be afraid or discouraged.

I do think that God's made His point this morning. I'm not quite sure what He may be referring to, but when the situation comes for me to stand firm and to be strong and courageous, I shall cling onto the words that He has given me this morning. I'm very excited to see that through it, God's gonna reveal a fulfilled promise! Thanks for the message God!

30 Apr 2008

Against the currents...

"The search for God is a reversal of the normal, mundane worldly order. In the search for God, you revert from what attracts you and swim toward that which is difficult. You abandon your comforting and familiar habits with the hope (the mere hope!) that something greater will be offered to you in return for what you've given up." ~Eat, Pray. Love

This is exactly what I've been learning and trying to live out. I no longer wish to conform to the patterns of the world. I want to live the life that God has ordained for me, and not what man wishes me to live. I refuse to let the drive of my life be money (which is not easy when you live in a place like HK) and have my sole purpose be to make as much money as possible. I wish for God to be my driving force, and my sole purpose to please Him and Him only.

I'm tired of trying to do what is "right" in the worlds eye. I'm tired of trying to find what would be most practical. I'm ready to live the supernatural, I'm ready to walk into all that God has in store for me. I'm ready to surrender all I am, to have but just a glimpse of His glory. If His road for me is practical and sane, than so be it. If it is not, I'm willing to go.

I'm going to start running full speed against the currents of this world, and trust that God is going to protect me from the oncoming traffic! :)

15 Apr 2008

"Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift." ~Matt 5:23-24

A few weeks ago, God convicted me that I had unforgiveness sitting in my heart. I am still struglling with this unforgiveness, because I am still clinging onto it. This week, He gave me that verse in Matthew. I've been standing at the altar, trying to offer God my whole life. I keep asking God to use me, to lead me to where He is calling me to be. Yet, I don't feel Him leading me, I don't feel Him trying to use me. I think it's because I haven't dealt with what He has asked me to.

This weekend, He taught me that I need to be patient. I need to let Him complete His process of fine-tuning, to let Him finish the cleaning out of all that displeases Him in my life. He came, put His arms around me and said "Hold up there, I'm not done yet, so I can't let you go out there. I need to stay put right where I've placed you, and trust me. I'll get you there when the time is right. But for now just chills right here and do what I've asked you to do."

So I guess, I will simply enjoy all the blessings that God has poured into my life. Through it, He has taught me so much, and by allowing His Holy Spirit to be in me, I will find the love that I need to forgive and to finally put it all to an end. I will learn to let go of my anger and pain. I will learn to trust God, and as a result others that God has placed into my life. I will enjoy this time where God slowly puts my heart back together piece by piece. There will be times when it gets hard and it will hurt, but I will trust in God. I will trust my maker because I know that He will be as gentle as He can with the fragile pieces.

I have found God here, and I'm loving each and every minute as I learn to fall in love with him over and over again on a daily basis. :)

13 Apr 2008

small things... a world of difference

I miss being Cel... or rather I miss being called that. Hahaha... I guess I can't really miss myself, since I'm with me ALL the time. I can't really get away from myself. I miss the intimacy of nicknames and inside jokes. I miss the relationships and all the memories that comes along with them. I miss the comfort of walking into a room and knowing everyone in it. I miss feeling safe to be who I am. It feels weird at times to be called by my full name... I've gone with using Cel for so long that it takes a little longer for me to register that someone is calling me. Hahaha.... :P

I miss the old, but at the same time, making new relationships has been challenging, yet rewarding. It was been scary, but an adventure. As I get to know people better, I am starting to relax and starting to be more myself. Being riped out from what I am accustomed to has been interesting. I've been learning lots about myself. God moves me to tears almost weekly now. I am in complete awe of just how amazing He is and all that He has done in my life.

As I continue on this adventure God has put me on, I will cling to His promises that there will be more. He will make my life even more abundant and more full. I look forward to watching Him make my life flourish! I know that the road will not be easy, but will simply hold on to His power, His promises and His presense, it won't be as bad as it seems.

30 Mar 2008

a new perspective...

So I went hiking on Saturday. Haha, I guess it has been a really long time since I've been hiking, and for sure I haven't gone hiking in Hong Kong since I was like 5... and that wasn't really hiking back then. So Saturday morning, at the last minute it was decided that we would go to Tai Tam for our hike which was rated as a level 2 hike, with the highest being 3. I figured it couldn't be that bad. Hahaha... oh how I was wrong. In honesty, it was simply the stairs that killed me. But I didn't want to turn around, and the view at the top was definitely was worth it.
It was so nice to get out of the city for a couple of hours. Away from the neon signs, the business, the people, the crowds, the shops... the materialism. It was so nice to be in the "mountain" surrounded by trees, rocks... and things that are green. The city looks so different when you're looking down from the top. hahaha... and it's not the same was when you go up to the Peak either. I mean, there's still that mall up there, with crowds of tourists, and just people. But the trail was pretty quiet, and when we got to the top, it was just us and trees... and powerlines. Hahaha... we HAD to go to the end or turn back, because there really was no other way down.
Then later that night, went to Thirst at church. I guess it's kind of a YIC and YAC combined. Good worship and a very excellent message. God broke me down once again with the words in God of Justice: "Freely we've received, so freely we will give" with respect to forgiveness. God has poured out His forgiveness upon me so freely,and so very generously. Yet, I'm like that servant in the parable, who holds onto that and does not share it with others. I have not shown the same grace and mercy. He took my hand last night and led me into the very depths of my heart where all the anger and hatred was still lingering and poisoning my soul. He said "Now is the time" to let go of the grudge. Now is the time to stop blaming them for my misery. It weighs me down and keeps me from being all that I can be for God. I've bought into Satan's lies that this makes me not good enough to do God's work. I bought into the lies that God's plans for me will no longer be as good as they had been originally. I believed all of the lies that was fed to me.
So now, I've decided to take on a new perspective, and responsibility for my present. What happened in the past will remain in the past, and it does not affect the plans that God has for my present or my future. The past does not make me unworthy of God's presense, or of God's blessing. I'm going to listen to God and start this forgiving so that He can show me all the exciting things that are still to come!

"We must go
To live to feed the hungry
Stand beside the broken
We must go
Stepping forward
Keep us from just singing
Move us into action
We must go" ~God of Justice (Tim Hughes)

28 Mar 2008

endorphines au naturale...

oh dear... I am on such a high right now. Hahaha.... went to play some streetball with some guys from church and their work friends. Definitely not used to this humidity... I felt so gross like within 10 mins! But I was OH SO VERY NICE to play and to get out to do something OTHER than just eat and shop. Don't get me wrong, I love the shopping and the eating that can be had in the H to the K, but at the same time I'm definitely starting to get sick of eating out everyday! (Thank goodness my mom is coming home soon!) I seriously think I ate more healthy living on my own in E-town than now while living with my dad and my brother. I would cook... but by the time I get home after work, I just wanna die. (When you have NOTHING to do... it drains your energy more than if you have a bazillion things to do!)

Anyways, I definitely need to thank God for all that He has done for me. It isn't even just in the last 2 months of providing everything for me, but preparing me all my life for this. I've come to realize that I am definitely an extrovert. I tend to be quiet at first and observe lots, but when that stage is over... I come out! hahaha, I dont know how better to put it. I'm totally a people person, and I'll just get out there and meet people every week. Either that, or I just have a very adaptable nature. I admit that I've become more cautious over the years of who I trust and don't trust, but really I've realized that I'm a very trusting person and that my trust is easy to gain, but hard to get back once it is gone. I'll open my heart up to just about anyone, but if they abuse my trust, see ya later!

Praise God for new friends! Praise God for a new church and for new community! I feel so blessed! Don't get me wrong, I still miss home and all that's been left behind, but I'm learning to be okay as he continues to fill my life with all that I miss. I missed friends, he's definitely blessed me with people to hang out with. I miss just hanging out, and he provides opportunities to hang out at people's houses to just chills. I miss playing basketball and he provides me with good people to let me play with them. I thought I was missing out on Kanye West in May, and well... guess who's coming to HK in 2 weeks! I just don't know how to describe just how incredibly happy and hard these past 2 months have been. I really can't believe that it's only been 2 months!

I don't regret my decision to make that leap through that open door that God's gave me. I feel myself healing and I'm starting to hear my Father's voice in heaven once again. Oh how I've missed His voice. Praise God for always reminding me that He's there, and that He's always been there, and that He's never left. It was only I who did not want Him around.

Hehe... I'm so happy!

11 Mar 2008


i've found freedome in animosity. it's a freedom i've never felt before. i'm no longer caught in the chains that you've put around me, no longer silenced by my fear of your displeasure. i don't have to worry about tarnishing that reputation of yours. no more stuck in that prison cell of silence that you locked me up in. i am no longer entangled in the lies that you fed me, no more buying into all the lies that satan wanted me to believe.
i can now share without feeling ashamed, without worrying that you'll find out. there is no biased anger, no trying to see things from your side, no uncomfortable friends wondering if they should take sides, no more screening an invite list. people no longer see me and then see you because they don't know you. i'm no longer the girl with the baggage that is you, because they don't know about us. no more looks of pity because they don't know what happened. i can share openly in confidence because they don't know who you are, they can't put a face to this person that i speak of.
it's helped with the healing. it's given me new strength and it's mended my broken relationship with my father in heaven. i'm learning to see the whole thing for what it was, and it makes me angry and it makes me sick in the stomach. you make me sick in the stomach, but God is teaching me to forgive you. He's teaching me to lean on Him and about his grace and mercy.
the truth has been hard to swollow at times, but i will plow through this because God promised He'll be there no matter what, and the prize at the end of all this is worth it. God will deal with you accordingly and revenge is not mine to take, so no matter how much it hurt i will simply lean on God and He will hold me tight and comfort me and give me peace.

29 Feb 2008

1 month down..

i can't believe that i've been in hk for a month and away from edmonton for only a month. it feels like it's been forever. so much has happened in one month... but at the same time it feels like nothing has happened. regardless, God has been good, and He's constantly reminding that He's got my back no matter what, and no matter what happens, He is never going to leave me, or forsake me. He's there for me, for life! :) i've been taken lots of comfort in those words, especially when i've been feeling so homesick for all my friends, and i feel like i have to go at everything alone now. i know in my heart that God has big things in store for me this year, and that He's going to take me on the greatest adventure i've seen yet... but at the same time i'm still sad, and clinging on to all that i've left behind. i know i need to let go and embrace this for what it is... an adventure. i need to take everyday for what it is and make the most of each one of them.

this is the song that's really touched me lately. it's put God back into perspective for me, and it's been a good reminder that no matter what, no matter where i am, no matter what condition i am in, God has no distance, no time zones, no bed time. God is there always, at all times no matter what. And it's not just when He feels like it, it's 4 life!

4 life ~ naturally seven

Red light, green light, 1,2,3.
I got you if you got me.
We’ll always be together you will see.
You and me were meant to be.

No matter what you’re going through, I’ll be there with you.
Looking out right by your side, for life, for life.
I’m never too far away, come rain or shine or in pain.
I’ll be there to give you what you need, for life, for life.

Have faith, trust in me, you’ll never have to hurt no more from now on you’ll see.
I got you, if you got me, there’ll never be a lonely road, no.
When you move to the left, call me.
When you bounce to the right don’t forget me.
I’m right here with you, I’ll always come through.
When your tank is low, I’ll gas ya.
Got nowhere to go, I’ll get cha
I’ll see you through, I promise you.

It’s clear, so simple to see, all you gotta do is 1, 2, step and follow me.
To a place, where we can hide away, you’ll find love, peace, and happiness.
For as long as you stay.

You’ll never be the same, it will change you.
I’ll wash away, all that pains you.
Let me take you there, to show you I care.
You can talk to me, I’ll hear you, tell me anything you want to.
All your troubles bring, I got you through anything.

You can call me whenever, life disappoints you and your spirits are down.
I got cha, leave you? No never, I’ll always be there if you want me around

25 Jan 2008

end of the road...

i can't believe that this will be the last time that i will sit here writing this... and that was the last time i will be driving into this driveway... and be coming home like this. it's really just starting to hit me that once i get on the plane tomorrow, the next time i come "home" there won't be this house to come home to. my room won't be upstairs... well it will be, but it won't be mine anymore. my stuff will not be here... there will be no more hanging out here, no more bbqs, no more parties... it's honestly all just starting to hit me. i think i need a moment to absorb it all.
i can't believe that this is really happening... and that this won't be here next time i'm back. i think i need more than a moment... this is so strange... and i can't wrap my head around it all. i know that this will be good for me, and this is an amazing opportunity and it's not something that happens everyday, but it's all just happening so fast. i feel like i didn't even get to say my farewells properly... well some did... and some did not. hahaha... i call it an uneven distribution of time....
this year is going fly by... we shall see what happens when it is all over. right now i'm just in shock i think... i shall go take my moment and enjoy my last hours in this house... because it will never be the same again...

22 Jan 2008

scared stiff...

it's that time... in my decision making where i start second guessing myself as usual. OH MY GOODNESS!!! What am i doing?!??! I'm really doing this.... I'm packing up my stuff and moving to HK... I dunno... it's just insane. can someone please tell me what i'm doing? and tell me that i'm not making the biggest mistake of my life... cause i'm really starting to wonder if i'm doing the right thing... i am so scared right now.
But God opened the door, so there has to be a reason that I'm going through it right? I mean I asked for a door... and it came... so the only logical thing was to walk through it. And now that it's starting to sink in... I'm starting to get scared... and starting to get sad thinking about all the things I'm going to miss.
I think i'm getting cold feet that's all. I didn't think that God would open such a door... I thought I'd move to Vancouver... be "closer" to HK in a sense, but still be able to enjoy the comforts of Canada... maybe i was being too greedy. I need to accept what God has given and be thankful. So I will make the most of this... and I'm sure that God has His reasons for taking me so far away from all of my closest friends...
Well... I hope it all turns out okay... because right now I'm still feeling like I've lost my mind...

10 Jan 2008

finally! an open door!!!

there's finally an open door for me to step through! i can finally leave this city! yay! someone has finally given me a chance at a job in the hk! so i'm getting back on a plane and going back to hk. i'll be gone by the end of this month!

i've finally found a break in the clouds. i can finally leave all this crap behind and hopefully start to fully heal. i've been waiting to get away for a long time, and my opportunity has finally come!