4 Sept 2007

losing the fight...

~It is breaking me down
Watching the world spin around
While my dreams fall down
Is anybody out there?

It is breaking me down
No more friends around...
And my dreams fall down...
Is anybody out there?

Can anybody out there hear me?
Cause I can't seem to hear myself
Can anybody out there see me?
Cause I can't seem to see myself
There's gotta be a heaven somewhere
Can you save me from this hell?
Can anybody out there feel me?
Cause I can't seem to feel myself

Losing my way
Keep losing my way
Keep losing my way
Can you help me find my way?~

i'm getting so tired... so weary of fighting now. So tired of pretending. I'm not as strong as you all think I am. the truth: i'm falling apart from the inside out. somedays i just feel like i can't take it anymore. i want out, i want a break. it's not as great as everyone makes it out to be... being alone makes the fight that much harder. being all by myself makes me doubt myself. fighting alone makes it hard... and i think i'm about ready to give up the fight. no one seems to care, no one seems to notice that i'm struggling. what's the point in fighting anymore? what's the point on keeping my head afloat anymore? the doubts... the regrets... the shame... the pain... it's all become so overwhelming lately.
the pain in my heart... it pierces... it hurts... who can i trust anymore? i know to you it's petty... i know to you all it's all just the past... but it's not to me. it's become life... it's become who i am... it's the one thing that i keep stumbling over. i'm trying so hard to get over it... trying so hard to let it go... trying so hard to be a bigger person... trying so hard to be happy... trying so hard to live my life. but what's the point anymore... it all seems so pointless...
what if i just faded into the background... and then faded out of the picture completely... i've lost sight of everything that's important to me... i've forgotten what it feels like to be loved unconditionally... i'm beginning to feel only hate and bitterness once again.... the loneliness seems so much stronger than love cause love seems so far away... forgiveness seems so far away... i keep looking towards getting outta here... away from all this pain... all the betrayal... all the hate... all the bitterness... i think the time has come... it's time for me to get out there... wherever out there is... maybe out there someone can hear me, and they will save me from this hell.