26 Aug 2006

sunburn on a cloudy day?!?!

i believe that pictures are pretty self-explanatory of what i did today.
so who knew that you could get sun-burned on a cloudy day!?!?! who knew you had to put on sunscreen even when there's no sun?!?!
so... i didn't obviously...and guess what the result was...
i knew i burned easily... just didn't know that easily! i mean come on! i survived the philippines without even getting darker! haha... but i didn't manage ocean park without a slight sun burn... how odd. :P
but i rode my first roller coaster ever! so proud! and it had THREE upside down loop thingys! yay!
BUT... i'm still terrified of them... and of heights!

oh on another side note... i think i might be coming home. no job as of yet. pray for direction! thanks!

23 Aug 2006

yet another referral...

ok... so i think i should probably figure out for myself once and for all if i want to stay or not. well... at least one good thing is that lady finally got back to me... and the earliest day i'd be starting work would be 9-11. so i finally got somewhat of an answer to that whole ordeal. and it's going to be even more temporary than before! so... i don't know, maybe i should just turn her down and head back to good ol' e-town. cause i did see this cool analyst job based in Calgary on the CaPS website the other day. we'll see, because my oh so brilliant father seems to have hooked me up once again with someone who knows someone who's hiring new grads or something. and so i gave her a call, and she said if i want something in the finance world, she might be able to hook me up. on the sadder side of things, i've applied for several jobs and received 2 rejections. haha.. maybe i should just stop bothering with this clown show of mine, and just admit my wrongs, and go back to Edmonton.
we'll see what happens. i did say i'd wait it out until mid-sept to see what happens. maybe between now and then, something will pop up. something that will allow me to gain more experience. and James Jordan is speaking at church on Sunday... so maybe that'll enlighten me some more. although he's talking about the father heart of God... should still be interesting. God can speak in many ways.
at least i finally finished that letter i've been meaning to write to the philippines. i hope they're not mad at me for not having written/texted in so long. why is it that they love to text each other?! oh wait, i think i already know the answer to that one. something about how it used to be free, so they just texted each other instead of calling. oh how i miss the philippines and the consumtion of mangos every day! maybe i should just move there instead. then it's neither edmonton or hk. just the philippines. wouldn't that be interesting? ok... but that was one really random thought. i don't think God has called me to return back there just yet. maybe in the future i can go back to visit.
so to end... i'm still unemployed and directionless! hahaha... i'm just turning into a huge coach potato... okay... so maybe i should go swimming or something... just so it'd be something to do... and maybe this way i can be darker. although i've kinda given up hope on ever being very dark at all. haha... :p
oh on a happier note. hannah called today. so i get to go to Ocean Park on Friday. yay for something to do! and a place to get dark! :)

22 Aug 2006

consumed by frustration

argh!!!!!!!!!!!!! a job that was suppose to have started as early as 2 weeks ago is now... still unconfirmed. therefore, i am just a sitting duck... just sitting and waiting... and waiting and sitting... and i can't even go home because my ticket for august was last week... and it's next to impossible to get a seat in the next couple weeks.

i went to church on Sunday hoping that God would reveal himself some more... thinking maybe there He'll shine more direction on my life. haha... well, this is all i got. same thing that i've been hearing from God since before finals even began. to seek after God first, to serve Him first, and everything else will make sense. so this is where the frustration comes in! i seek God, i serve God... but yet I still feel like He hasn't shown me my direction. i followed His calling to the Philippines for a month, came back to HK... all because i felt that He has called me to do so. i get this indirect job offer... but yet it's not really working out.

i'm really torn right now. don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to turn my back on God or anything, because God is still providing in so many strange and amazing ways. it is just simply in the area of my career path that is still a question mark... and i still don't feel like God has provided with any answers. to prove my point: i REALLY wanted to find tickets to the Phantom of the Opera that was playing in HK because I don't think I'll make it back to Edmonton in time for that one. but due to popular demand... tickets were all sold out. i was actually really disappointed. but the funny thing was this past sunday, they did this kind of send-off thing for this couple in the congregation. and the guy was actually a guy who was singing with the phantom of the opera and while they were visitng, they attended this church. sooooooooo, this guys sang for the congregation as a token of his appreciation or whatever, since it was their last sunday in town. THAT was pretty neat. i didn't get to see the actual production, but i guess this was God's way of making up for it.

soooooooooo... i'm frustrated because i'm impatient. but at the same time, i semi have this peace because i've seen the way God answers prayers and i've seen the way God provides. therefore, i'm not really freaking out. i'm just really frustrated out of my boredom! maybe God wants me to find a ministry to serve him in while i'm here. haha... noooooo idea! please continue to keep me in your prayers and keep me updated of the things at home! oh and thanks for those who have been my wall to bounce ideas of off, and those who have had to endure my ramblings from my frustration!

i guess the final update is this: if nothing works out here for me sometime next month... i could be home as early as late-sept or early oct. (we'll see, i still think God wants me to stick around for a lil' while)

14 Aug 2006

ladies nite.... :P

so... me and el went to ladies night in lan kwai fong the other night. very interesting... free drinks and free cover.... so i guess that makes it .... very very interesting. please remind me to never drink on an empty stomach! cause... well, i'm a cheap enough drunk as it is... that plus an empty stomach... NOT a good idea. but, i was less buzzed than i thought i would be on an empty stomach... so all is good. the music was a little bunk though... at least they did play SOME good songs, but those few didn't even add up to 50%... so hence... BAD music... and apparently, that's the club where the locals go... so another deduction there!
i just realized that i have a really bad tan line... yuck! i believe that is a new one... slightly built on top of the one from last summer. ahhh... one day at disney sea.... and this is what happens.... at least i didn't burn! so for that i'm grateful.
anyways... ladies night made me miss the girls! ahhh... iron horse and its pole... hahahhaa.... drinking with the girls.... some good times. but new friends are fun too... they make for the homesickness to be less so... and helps me to pass time much more quickly.

oh... haha... i got new glasses... and permed my hair again. but i think... it makes me look like a local... so i don't wear my glasses. haha :P hmm... oh we bought a new laptop... so now i can have internet... (if the laptop is positioned correctly...) maybe this will also help me pass time... OH and it's suppose to help aid me in finding a job faster... hahaha... hopefully.... it will fulfill both of its purposes! this new baby is soooo pretty! hahaha... but i miss my own laptop at home... i miss a lot of things at home... like my bed.... my closet.... my books.... my tv.... oh and of course.... MY FRIENDS! hahaha... but opportunities here seem too good to not give them a chance... so we'll definitely have to see what happens... and see where God directs. at this moment, i'm feeling i should stay here.
sorry for really rambly... and random blogs as of late... but just deal! haha... my mind's a jumble of thoughts!

9 Aug 2006


we drove to Japan... haha... j/k!

don't we look so Japanese?! haha... :P

wow... time sure does fly quickly when you're having fun! it's been a loooooong time since i've had such little sleep... as in like maybe 12 hours in 4 days time? haha... i don't even get that little sleep during finals or at camp! BUT... it was a blast and i had a lot of fun!

despite the fact that i honestly met like more than half of these people in hk within the last couple weeks... haha... they sure made the trip very fun and memorable. i guess God just always knows when to bring you the right people at the right time. i've been feeling sooo homesick for Edmonton, and I guess these people somewhat provided that.... not the Edmonton part, but they certainly fulfill the Alberta factor of that equation... since they're all from Calgary! haha... despite the fact that they're from the rival town... haha Eleanor and her sister Hannah made the trip a blast! 3 girls suffering from the lack of sleep... it's quite entertaining... it's almost like when i'm drunk... i think everything is funny! except this is a result of lack of sleep and not alcohol! :) oh and we can't forget jack of course. he most certainly added to the trip... hahahaha :) and Aaron and his gf Kitty... what would we do without Kitty since she knows Japanese!

as to updates about the job thing, I did call her back after my trip, but she's been so busy and tied up that i think things may be postponed for this week. haha... which is just fine for me because that just gives me more time to play and shop! :P we'll see what happens, maybe this won't work out, and God just wanted to see if i'm willing to give up home for him... thanks for all your encouragements and prayers! i'll definitely keep you all updated!

now that the fun is over... i guess it's back to thinking about what to do now... i guess right now i'm just waiting for the lady to get back to me. i did apply for this actuarial job with AIA... but i haven't heard nothing from them... and well... i don't really expect to. i guess in time God will reveal His answer to me. i just don't deal well with uncertainty that is all! :P

til next time! take care!