25 Jul 2006

some pics

hey everyone!

i posted 100 some pics on my msn space...


so if you want to take a look... that's like a sixth of my pics... cause... well... there's over 600 altogether.

hope you're all doing well. drop me a line if you have time. i'll try to get back asap!

final update

Hey Everyone,

It's me again. I can't believe that a month is over, and I've almost been back in HK for a week now. So here I am sitting in a internet cafe... letting you all know how that last week went.

The last week, we were hit with another Typhoon (Ferlita?) I have no idea how to spell it! But it was a strong one! Lots of rain and lots of wind... for like 4 days straight! So the kids couldn't do much at all, nor could we. On Thursday and Friday, school was cancelled, so none of the college students or high school students had class, but at Glory to God Christian Academy, it was class as usual! :) Otherwise, the kids would just go crazy, so we might as well put them in class! Teaching was pretty hard, because the rain pounding on a metal roof, makes it hard to hear even the person sitting right beside you! But we did our best, and on Friday, we basically just played games with them in class. Oh and I watched them practice for Foundation Day (which they had yesterday). I was actually really sad to miss that.

It was awesome that the high school kids didn't have class, because then we got the opportunity to hang out with them and fellowship with them! The pastor asked us to share our little blurbs from Chapel hour, that we did with the kids. I really enjoy fellowshipping with the high school students! The language barrier is a little better, because they speak a bit more English than the younger kids. The typhoon apparently also killed a mother and her 3 kids in Olongapo (which is about 45min away from us), landslide in Baguio City, and a billboard was knocked down in Manila. Craziness!

On Saturday, we had a farewell party thingy. That was so much fun! But it was sooooo sad! The kids performed special numbers, and some of the high school students sang for me..... that was interesting. But the pre-schoolers did this culture dance! It was soooo cute! I'll show you all when I get home. It's all on video! As a gift they gave me this blow gun (and I quote) for "hunting mice and birds when [i] get home." But it's pretty sweet, and in exchange i presented them with the oilers flag... a lil' late in coming, but they don't care, cause they have no idea who they are anyways! I have a picture of the kids with it for all your Oiler fans! :) Oh, i bought them a treat... but i can't ever remember what they're called, it was something chinese, and I tried to teach them how to use chopsticks. (because apparently, I'm chinese so I should show them something chinese?!) haha... that was interesting. Soooo hard... cause i've used them all my life... i just know how...:P

And then Sunday... after praise, we got in the car, and were off for Manila. That was sooooooooo sad. I sat with Mary-Ann that morning... and even a couple days before that, she had already been tearing. I walked into church with just my Bible and camera, and came out with a huge pile of letters and whatnot. It was really nice. I didn't read them until I was waiting for my flight at the airport though. It just made me cry... in public. Ahhh... haha.

Oh, so on sunday, the 2 other girls were suppose to get in at midnight that night, but when we got into Manila (around 11 am) we get a call from one of them saying that she's at the airport now. That caught us all off gaurd, and apparently, the other girl ended up missing her flight. So... yah, lots of miscommunication going on there! At least, we got into town early because we were going to go see this new mall (3rd largest in the world?!). So she was lucky, we just had to make a detour... and she didn't have to wait long. I have no idea what happened with the othe girl. I guess they had to go into town again to pick her up.

I'm glad to be back with my family, and with people who kinda speak the same language as me. (Well, I can understand, even if I don't speak well.) Haha... yah... but I'm really missing the kids! I made so many new friends, and they've touched me in so deep a way that I can't even describe! I can see how God has used them to reach me. It was an awesome trip, and thank God for the opportunity and just for all his protection and guidance! Thanks for all your prayers throughout the whole month, but please don't stop praying! Continue to pray for the kids, and the other girls who are still there working with them!

Just a couple of prayer items:
- pray for the safety during this rainy season, because the children's home is on a hillside, and with all the rain, makes it prone to landslides
- pray for the girls who will be there for the next 2 weeks, pray for their ministry
- pray for direction from God, I've started looking for jobs, and my dad's been using his connections (i just need God to show me where He wants me to be.)

So, until next time.

8 Jul 2006

update #1

for those who never got it:

How are you all doing?! I’m sitting in a internet café in the Philippines somewhere… haha :) Just wanted to let you all know that I got here all safe and sound, AND I didn’t lose my luggage! Praise God because I was really scared for awhile! Or just when I was waiting at luggage pick-up! It happened last time I flew by myself, so yah… I was really scared, but my luggage showed up so I was happy!So the kids are great, and my surroundings are great! And you know what the best part is?!?! I get to mangoes EVERYDAY!!!! My host family is amazing, their a Filipino missionary couple and they have 3 children. Their younger 2 are around. And their older daughter Praise is 17, and I’m having lots of fun getting to her! And my roommate, the other girl who is also here, Jade, she’s really cool! So, the 3 of us are enjoying each others company and getting to know each other. Hmm… so basically, everyday we wake up, and we eat breakfast, and then we just help out around at the school. It’s not just a children’s home, but it’s also a school for the kids. So, we help out with the preschool kids, and in the kitchen before lunch. Then after lunch, they have this thing called Siesta time where we get to just sleep, and rest. (The kids sill have class.) And after that, guess what I get to teach!??! Haha… MATH! I’m teaching math to the grades 5 and 6’s. That’s been really interesting… cause I hate teaching so much. Pray for my patience. I need a translator when I teach, because the kids' english isn't very good. And since I'm better at hanging out with kids than teaching... we all know how kids respect me... (aka Awana... haha)There’s so much I want to share, but so hard to in such a short amount of time! Haha… but thanks for all the prayers! Just wanted to let you all know that things are going great. And we don’t have internet at the home… hence the internet café. I don’t know how often I can update you all, but I will try my best!Oh yesterday, we got to spend time with the kids while they had their devotion time! They have praise time before they do devotions! It was really cool, cause they sing all the songs we sing at home! They were singing One Way by Hillsongs! I totally want a chance to work with their praise team! I was so excited when they started singing last night! But on the other hand, it has been really frustrating because the kids don’t speak much English. So.. a lot of the time it’s been a lot of hand gestures and what not, trying to communicate with them. I wish I could understand what they’re saying! So pray for that language barrier please! Okay… so continue to pray for me. Oh, and pray that I will have the opportunity to go to Baguio city, because Pastor Wilson and sister Cora really want to take us there! That will be really cool! But that is all for now. Take care everyone! (And where are my sports updates guys!?!?!)Miss you all!

update #3

OH MY GOODNESS!!! I can’t believe that 3 weeks have passed, and I’m going back to HK next weekend! Seems like I’ve been here forever, but at the same time, feels like I just got here!

Let’s see, what’s happened this week. Oh, this week, we had a new schedule. Well, a slightly modified schedule. So instead of helping in the classroom for like 2 hours every morning, I go there for about an hour, and then I go clean up the library for about an hour. Which doesn’t take an hour, but we do odd jobs here and there. So far, I’ve cleaned the library (this is where my mopping skills come in handy!), washed tables, filled large canisters of water, folded some laundry… and other random things. Oh I got to fry tofu the other day… and the odour reminded me of nasty stinky tofu found on the streets of hk… so I don’t know about that stuff. But it was different, and better than mopping, so I didn’t mind.

Another change in our schedule is what we do after dinner. Before this week, we’ve been turning in after dinner every night, so we have no idea what the kids do after their devotion time. Now, we get to put the younger ones to bed, and hang around in the library to help the older ones with their assignments. So far, I’ve spent one night teaching them Now That You’re Near! (Go En Gedi!), and another night teaching kids from my math class how to find factors, and what makes a prime number. I think I’m giving up on teaching them about the prime numbers for now, and just going back to helping them memorize their multiplication table. I was getting a little ambitious.

The time in the library after dinner has totally been an answered prayer, because the night before our new schedules, I was just praying that I’ll have more opportunities to spend with the high school students. This is exactly what this provides. That’s been really fun, one being that they actually speak English, so I can have a real conversation with them, and two they’re all on the praise team, so I enjoy talking to them about praise songs, and singing with them!

I’m really glad that Jade is here to be my roommate. The whole sharing a room thing I’m not really used to, since I’m used to a whole house by myself… haha, but it’s been really good just being able to have someone to talk to, and share with, and pray with. She’s been a real blessing!

I’ve adjusted to the climate better, so my rash is gone, and my stomach doesn’t hurt anymore. Praise God, and thanks for your prayers! But I still can’t really sleep at nights. I usually sleep around 11, and wake up around 2 or 3… and lie there until 6. Haha… that gets kinda boring. Thank God for the discman! So, God is totally my strength everyday, because otherwise I don’t know where I find the energy to play with the kids!

The kids have really warmed up to us and it shows. They’re no longer shy around us, and usually when they see us, the younger ones will come running with a hug or a handshake, and the older ones usually say hi. The language is still a barrier, but the kids don’t seem to mind, and they just keep right on talking. I just wish I could understand what they were saying! I can understand “beautiful,” “good morning, afternoon, or evening,” and “how are you?” “I’m fine.” oh and “I love you” That is to the extent of how much me and the kids understand each other, but its great! I love hanging out with them. (Oh they did teach me a bad word the other day, and I kinda got in trouble with the staff.) But fellowshipping with them has been awesome!

It’s been somewhat of a slow week. Oh, we did go to the market this week, and as we were leaving, the tricycle wouldn’t start. Good thing, we were right by this basketball court. So all the guys there stopped playing to come help us push the tricycle and it started! Praise God that we weren’t stranded there… because the Children’s Home is actually, quite a ways from town.

Teaching has been frustrating, but I have one week left, and I think I’m just going to stick to working on the multiplication table with them, and trying to find ways to make that fun for them. Pray for that! So that God will show me new ideas! I’m getting to know the staff and the teachers better, so that’s been really nice. Oh the talk this week went okay. I had to talk about being considerate, from one Bible verse. I ended up tying it in with the story of the good Samaritan. Oh, and I had to share my testimony at prayer meeting last night. That was interesting. I have no idea if they understood me, even with the translation! I guess I’m just not coherent when I share my testimony… haha. Hopefully God was still able to use my stumbling over words to touch them.

So, we’re in the middle of Typhoon Esther right now. So lots of rain, which I don’t really mind, cause that means its less hot. But the kids are couped up all day, with nothing to do. So that’s bad for them.

But yes, I will cut myself short once again. There is just too much happening in one week to be able to tell it all in one sitting. So I will end off with these prayer requests:
- one of the teachers fell down the cement stairs the other day, and hurt her arm and her back, so pray for a quick recovery (she still has 4 boys to take care of, the youngest being 4)
- since it’s rainy season, it’s cooler, and always wet, so the kids get sick easily, so please continue to pray for their health
- pray for all the teachers at the school, because most of them not only teach, but also have school after classes let out for the kids
- pray for God’s providence (the Children’s home, is actually praying for a gym and a swimming pool for the kids. Esp the gym, so they have a place to play during rainy season)
- pray for the 2 girls coming next Sunday, and my going (pray for a safe and smooth transition)
- pray for my mom who’s leaving Canada for hk next Thursday! Pray for her safe travel.
- Otherwise, just for the whole ministry.

So, once again, thank-you for all your prayers! I don’t know if I’ll see a computer again before I head off to HK. So until next time.