25 Jan 2006

me = scatterbrain

ok... so in the past 3 weeks, i've almost lost my gloves 3 different times! i almost lost them at brewsters, but thanks to my brother who went later and found it for me. i almost lost them at the theatre when we went to see brokeback mountain, but thanks to the lady who found them! and then yesterday i almost left them at church after bball. good thing, i saw them sitting there on my way out. but then i was driving home and i had to turn around because i thought i left my water bottle at church, but in reality, it was just in my trunk! so i turned around for nothing!
today, i went to ask my prof for help on my hw. i honestly don't think i have ever done that before, ever!!! so, i went to ask him for help... to which i recieved a hint... and when i went to look up the part of the notes, i realized that the answer was there all along... and i just didn't see it! and then there was this other question, where i had to derive the stinkin' wave equation, taking into consideration the effects of gravity. i asked every engineer i saw, haha, cause they said they took a course that was almost the same, and they did the same thing. but in reality, when i threw in that gravity part, no one could help me! and then it hit me... all my physics 30 came and hit me like a brick wall, and i think i finally figured out how to incorporate stinkin' gravity into the stupid fomula!
i keep leaving books i need at school, and bringing home the ones i don't need! oh and the most scatterbrain part of me is that i have all these bruises up and down the back of my right leg... and i seriously don't think i know where half of them came from! and the bruise on my ankle?!?! what the?!?! yah... so either i'm kicking the wall in my sleep... (but why would the bruises be on the back of my leg?) or else I have tendencies to fall outta bed in the middle of the night, but manage to climb back into bed before i wake up, therefore, i have no recollection of falling out of bed! both of these theories are pretty far fetched, so it's probably just me walking into things, or ramming into things when i'm half awake, and then not remembering!
i'm sure, i almost lost lots of other stuff... but i just can't remember right now... haha :P

19 Jan 2006


there are these things that i call little surprises from God. they come when you least expect them, but they always come at just the right time. whatever do i mean? well, let me explain. a little surprise from god would be like... say you were having a bad day, and nothing seems to be going your way, you jump in your car and turn on the radio, and your favourite song pops on... that's a surprise from god. i think most people like to call these things coincidences.
god loves to bring in things when you've just about given up hope, and when nothing seems to be going right, or you're just plain feeling down. it's like the break in the clouds to stop the rain!
i ran into an old friend from work today. she is seriously the kindest, nicest, sweetest person ever! she honestly just radiates God's love. i met her, and she was just so amazingly open, and her passion for life just seems to overflow from her! so, running into her and just being able to catch up with her was awesome! for some reason, she answered some questions that i've been wondering for the past little while. i guess in a way, she was just an answered prayer.
oh, i got an encouragement card this past weekend. it wasn't signed, so i have no idea who it's from, but it was really nice. (thanks to whoever it was!) but they were just the right words that i needed to hear. god's answering prayers in big ways! just when i thought that perseverence was running a little low... there was the encouragement to keep going... wow... i'm telling you, only god can have timing like that!
little messages, phone calls, emails from all over which have all been little surprises from God at just the right time... he just knows what to bring at just the right time. there is no doubt in my mind that he cares about me. i honestly don't believe that things happen by coincidence, everything is according to his good and perfect will.

16 Jan 2006

the clock is a-ticking...

ahh... and yet another year of my life has come and gone... and i find myself a year older once again. i think by far, this would be the best birthday ever! thanks for everyone who came out and made it so memorable!!! honestly, i would've just stayed home and watched tv all night by myself or something...
so never to the point of throwing up and not remembering anything the next day, always to the point where my head is spinning and there is a pounding headache. of course, the fun comes before hitting the part of the night. it always starts with the non-stop smiling. i will start having this grin on my face... because i'm obviously feeling good, and i'm happy, and honestly, i was feeling happy! and it only gets funner from there, because the volume control starts going, and i start yelling and believing that i'm using my "indoor" voice. and then comes the none-sense ramble where i will say anything and everything that comes to my mind. haha... but not to the point where the secretses start coming out. mind you, there are no secretses because everyone already knows. *shrug* oh well.
i remember yelling into my phone a lot, and asking the question "who is this?!?!" and yelling "don't lie to me!!!" many times. i remember someone pretending to be someone that wasn't very nice... worse point of the night... so boo to you! and yes i remember! oh well, not going to let things like that ruin my night. bring it!
the cake was so pretty, and then they brought out this huge pizza knife for me to cut the cake with. at this time, everyone saw me holding a big knife and decided to move meters away from me, just in case. but it was good cake. and then the guy from the kitchen actually ended up coming out to help me cut the cake! haha... good times. we shared the cake with those ppl at bp's. who's allergic to oranges?!?! well, too bad, you missed out on some good cake!
who was feeding me random thoughts while i was in a daze?!?! cause i came home with all these random thoughts of ppl telling me to rethink something?!?! what were you ppl trying to brainwash me with?!?! that, and putting tobasco sauce in my drink while i went to the bathroom!?! even though i couldn't taste it... still!!!! this is why you got no shirt! haha... maybe next time, we'll ask the waiter for it. haha... i still got that free shot, so i'm content!
yay! i feel so happy and loved! thanks for the lovin', i love you all mans!!!!!

12 Jan 2006

ahh... let me out!

ok.... so i was registered for this math class... math 337... and i found out that it's suppose to be real hard... which means i shouldn't be taking it. esp if no one else i know is taking this course! ahhh... but i needed a 300 level course, and this was the only one i had the pre-req's for! and then someone said that if i switch to a mathematical science major, then my higher level stat will count and i'll be able to drop it. so after my first 337 class i bolted to see the advisor... and this is what she says: NO! because i declared stats as a minor, all stats courses must stay within that category... so there's no way out. it's either a 300 level math class, or a 300 level computer class!!! considering how 'wonderful' i did in 115... there was no way i'd consider taking another cmput class ever again! and since i don't want to/ can not get into any other math class... 337 it is!
on the otherhand... i've finally found a way to make my degree a double major, instead of just a major and a minor. haha... it just sounds really study... a double major in.... math... and.... math.... it's suppose to be mathematics and mathematical sciences. *sigh* if i sounded like a geek before... i sound like an even bigger one now!
ahhhh.... i want out of this class so bad... but i guess there is no way out. i'm doomed to be in this class.... so if you see me angry... and ready to start throwing my textbook, its cause i'm working on 337 homework! so... stay far away... unless you want to be hit by my 200 pds calculus textbook!

3 Jan 2006

another year passes...

wow... happy new years! i honestly cannot believe that another year has gone by... and that my 3 weeks holiday is almost over... and soon it will be back to my late nights of studying on campus... which must start on the first week if i am to be ready for soa in february!!!!
as sad as it is that another year has come and gone, it's also very exciting that a new year is beginning... not to mention i'm getting older in another week or so... *sigh* nooooooooooooo i'm getting old! haha... but not old enough that i can't go out and have some fun. *wink*
the one word to describe this past year is "trying" and the one thing about God i've learned is "grace." and only through the trials was i able to come a deeper meaning of grace. grace is receiving something we do not deserve.

"what once was hurt
what once was friction
what left a mark
no longer stings
because grace makes beauty
out of ugly things" ~Grace by U2

it is through grace that no matter how ugly the past, we are made new, and we become children of god. nothing is more beautiful than the unconditional love that god has for us. as bad and as hard as this past year has been, i don't think i'd go back to change any one part of it. there is no use in asking those "what if" questions, and there is no use in dwelling on regret. what has happened has already past, and the only thing anyone can do is to hold their head up high and keeping walking forward.
the future is uncertain, but one thing is certain, and that is god's hand in my life. i need only to cling to what is certain, and that which is uncertain will slowly back itself clear.