31 Dec 2005

God's wonderful sense of humor...

i'm completely convinced that God has it out to make life as awkward as possible for me sometimes. or i just think he has this sense of humor that i don't understand at all! i seem to constantly find myself in situations where i have to wonder if things could be any more awkward?!?!
first he gets these people with whom i'm totally not close with to throw random comments at me! comments about the secretses that no one is really suppose to know about! haha... but yet everyone seems to somehow know about anyways. as if life wasn't confusing enough with certain people knowing?!?!
and then god throws a curve ball that goes in the complete opposite direction which throws me back into another fit of confusion! what is going on?!?! i wish he'd just give it to me straight. then i wouldn't have to be sitting on this fence constantly, wondering which side of the fence suits me better.
god will always bring ppl you don't want to see into the picture when you want to see them the least. at the same time, there are these "coincidences" that just seem to pop up all over the place when you're confused about something... that always makes you wonder if maybe that's the right choice. i seem to be constantly surrounded by coincidences.
and... as routine has it, i tend to pick the side with more "coincidences."

21 Dec 2005

time for an update...

haha... ok, i'm obviously way to bored... esp if we're coming up with these during finals... haha... thanks buddy! glad to know someone's keeping with the observing even when i'm no longer around.

so here to add to the list of fobs vs cbcs:
You know you're a fob when your knowledge of English songs is 10 years out of date.
You know you're a cbc if you can list at least 1 song on the top 40!

You know you're a fob when you have an English name, but still make the choice to use your Chinese name.
You're cbc if you're chinese name is your middle name, or you're just plain embarassed of it!

3 days until Christmas... and counting... (and still haven't started shopping!)

19 Dec 2005

where is your home?

"The heart has reasons that reason cannot know." ~Pascal

i once heard someone say that home is where your heart is. so here's the question: if you give your heart away, does that mean that's home? is the place where you left your heart, the place that you call home? is that why going back to that same place always feels the most comfortable, because that's where you've chosen to call home?

for that reason alone, i guess that's why we're suppose to be careful of where we put our hearts.

what happens if you've already misplaced your heart, and home has become a place that you wish to go, but cannot? are you allowed to take it back, and put it somewhere else, so you call a new place home?

maybe moving is the answer... take a chance... or go home? haha... obviously don't want to go back to the place where my heart has decided to call home. so maybe take a chance? i think i just might take the dive.

16 Dec 2005

joke of the day...

buzz buzz.... need i say more?!?!

haha... one more exam to go.... and starting to get the jitters. who has one exam left and start drinking coffee not at the beginning of the week, but at then end when they're almost done?!?! apparently i do. the worse part is i didn't even need it, and now while i'm suppose to be studying, i have to get up to pee every like 10 min!!!!

haha, i think it's the coffee that's making my stomach feel like i have a constant case of the butterflies... or it could always be something else... can't really tell the difference right now.

ok, back to memorizing geometry terms and diagrams. 10 extra if you know what a Menelaus pt is! muahahahaha, let's see u all try to out do the math major!

11 Dec 2005

what goes around... comes back around!!!

sometimes i find it hard not to believe in karma, and today would be one of those days. awhile ago, i became the proud owner of 2 switchfoot's the beautiful letdown cd. and i couldn't return the one that was a gift because SOMEONE couldn't find the receipt for me!!!! haha.... oh well. so then i decided to re-gift it. haha... well, seriously! what was i going to do with 2 copies of the cd anyways?!?! so i wrapped it all nicely, and gave it to someone for their birthday. and then tonight, i went to fellowship, and we did this gift exchange thing. and it was my turn to pick from the pile... and i thought, you can't go wrong with a cd... so i picked the package that looked like a cd. look and behold! starring right back at me was the same cd i had gotten rid of just months ago!!! seriously?!?! am i just doomed to own 2 copies of this cd like forever or what!?!?! and i'm like sooo curious as to whether its the EXACT same cd i gave away too!
*sigh* oh well... like i said, who goes around, comes back around. treat others the way you want to be treated. you want ppl to treat you all cold and like you don't exist, you're obviously going to receive the exact same treatment! bleh.
poop to ppl who treat others bad AND THEN complain about others treating them bad.... ok whatever. i'm not gettin involved in this. waaaay too complicated.

7 Dec 2005

killing time...

suppose to be finishing hw... but we're stuck... so i needed a break from sitting in the same chair for the past 4 hrs!!!
so... i need to add some more points to my lists of fob vs cbc characteristics... so here goes:

you're a fob if you have a hard drive full of pirated chinese movies, music, etc
you're a cbc if you don't pirate absolutely everything

you're a fob if you can speak more than 1 chinese dialect
you're a cbc if you can only speak and understand the chinese dialect your parents use to yell at you

when i think of more, i'll put it up.

now its time to get back to my hw.

2 Dec 2005

almost at the end...

wow, i just realized the other day that the end of the semester is coming, and in another semester's time, i'm going to be graduating *fingers crossed* i ran into my friend that i met in first year the other day... and it really hit me when she said she was heading home (well as if now, she already headed home as of last night). a lot of people who i've met in the past couple of years may not be around after we all graduate. made me realize how much i need to cherish the times i have now with my friends, and how i take people for granted at times, that they'll just always be around.
i have no idea where God is leading after i graduate, i have no idea whether i'll still be in town at this time next year. i could be working else where, i could be overseas doing missions, or i could just still be here doing who knows what kinda job, and bumming or something. we're growing up, and people are heading off in their own directions, but hopefully, the friends i treasure will always be a part of my life, and we'll make an effort to stay in touch.
oh my goodness, so scary to think we're all growing up so quick! haha... maybe that's why i'm the honourary first year.... cause i'm just refusing to grow up. no, but i know we all do, and people moving, people getting married, etc... its all part of growing up. i'm almost done university, and i'm glad for that. no way i want to go through everything again! i'm glad to be almost done, and almost ready to move on the the next stage in life.
so until the end of schoo, its all about maximizing friends hang-out times, enjoying each and every single day... regardless of how much i'm starting to dislike school, and most of all just trying to make the most of everything, refusing to leave any cards un-turned!