29 Aug 2005

bratty children

i think i've concluded that i should be kept away from bratty children because they bug the crap outta me. make that spoiled bratty children! i'm someone who enjoys my privacy, i do not enjoy nosy children going through my stuff... esp stuff in my room! my room is off limits even to my own friends, so what makes little bratty children think they can just wander into my room and snoop?!?! argh... if i ever have my own kids, they better learn to respect other's privacy! or they're getting an earful from me! mind you, when i have kids, i ain't spoiling them with psp's and stuff like that! mind you that's IF i have kids... we'll see what happens in a couple of years... i mean... that would involve me getting married too.. soooo... i dunno about that one... haha

at least i'm finally heading out to vancouver! ahh... wedding coming up REAL soon... gotta get cracking on that speech! haha... gotta make it good... how in the world do i do that?!?! weddings... last one for the year, i hope. last one in awhile, i hope. unless someone decides to spring an engagement that none of us forsaw in the near future or something. but then you never know what can happen between now and next summer. for all i know i could be gone by next summer. mind you, my brother says that i get nothing but skin cancer from sun burns... so maybe i can get cancer soon... that would be sad, i guess.

what is time? time is so relative... sometimes it seems to move so slowly, and sometimes so quickly. lately, its been moving rather quickly... because school is starting next week! am i ready? no... am i ever?!?! haha... no. back to hours after hours of math/stat homework... in the study hall... at least i don't have to work AND manage school this year. hopefully it will be much more stress-free than previous years.

25 Aug 2005

oh dear... too much geekiness...

so i put a computer together for the first time in my life today... felt like a huge geek afterwards. how did i end up becoming like this?!?! ahhhh........ no!!!!!!!!!!! being in math, and constantly surrounded by an aura of geekness is catching up to me! i think i need to neutralize the geekiness with something completely in the opposite direction! good thing i finally have some room for options in the winter term. christian thelogy... on sex and marriage... should be one interesting topic!
so on top of being geeky, i've started watching season 1 of 24.... that's one intense show. stupid... way to get hooked on watching tv shows on dvd box sets just before school starts. AND i want to borrow alias too?!? i'm stupid!
this is what my summer has come down to. a battle between being a computer geek and a couch potatoe?!?! someone save me from this misery! good thing i'm heading out to vancouver soon. or else i'm going to be so messed up in the head by the end of these 2 weeks before school starts again.... filled with stupid computer lingo and government conspiracy theories...
of course, the plus side of all this is that it keeps me busy.... so i can keep everything i've shoved under a rug in my mind there... and not deal with it....

18 Aug 2005

good reminders

got a letter in the mail yesterday from one of the girls in assumption. makes me realize just how much i miss it up there, and just how much those girls have touched my life. not only did she send me a letter, but she sent pictures and a present! it was the sweetest thing in the world, and i wish with all my heart that i could be there to give her a huge hug! but the truth is that i'm stuck back here in edmonton where all i can do is pray for them and keep in touch with them through letters and phone calls. i never expected to be touched by the people up north in such a huge way in just 2 weeks, but i was. i can't go back to being just who i was because that's not good enough. i can't sit quietly and let things happen, things need to be said, things need to be done, and people need to be educated. if you live in a bubble your whole life, when that bubble pops and reality catches up, it's going to hit you so hard, you won't know what to do. when satan attacks, you could fall away from god, but it doesn't have to be that way. all you need to do is realize that the reality is in stepping outside of the bubble. sure, reality is hard sometimes but there is also no better way to experience god than in reality. when everything is perfect in your bubble, where is the need for god? but when you're in reality and everything isn't perfect, where things aren't always good, where things may seem like a nightmare, god will touch you in ways you can't even imagine. i think is it through people who don't or hardly know god where i feel him the most, and it is through people who have grown up with god in whom i find the least love, understanding and compassion. not to say that all people of god are like that, but there are many in whom i thought i'd find love, and found nothing but ridicule and rebuke. (don't judge because you honestly have no idea what i've gone through.)
on a happier note... my jeans i bought online have arrived! and they fit... no hemming required! finished another book... finally. the undomestic goddess, hilarious. makes you think about what the point in working your butt off for good marks is.

13 Aug 2005

mountain top experience

wow, went to the mountains and came back. i love being in the mountains, and just being in complete awe of how great and majestic God is! being surrounded by humungoid mountains is like being engulfed by God's loving embrace. everywhere you turn, you are still in the middle, and its so huge that there's nothing you can do to get out. there's no time like camp time to be convicted by God. latest lesson from God... i think He's taking me back to the basics... FORGIVENESS. people are to know we're Chrsitians by the way we love one another, therefore i can not be a real witness for God if there is unforgiveness and hatred towards other brothers and sisters in Christ. learning to forgive all over again... interesting, but forgiveness is made possible by God's perfect love, so I have faith that He is going to help me with that. since God is love, then there is no better place to learn love.
if you aren't any different from before a mountain top experience with God, than maybe you never really experienced it. i want to be the difference because i believe that it was a real mountain top experience. there is too much more to life for me to be wasting it by being angry. better to let go and live a fulfilling life than not and live a miserable one.

3 Aug 2005

a series of misfortunate events...

ok... so how is it that in one long weekend, i've managed to get a huge sunburn on my chest and on my back, AND then i get a huge gash on my finger! i've had someone undirectly tell me that she thought i was fat, made a trip all the way to costco to find it closed, and then to top of everything, saw someone that i didn't want to see!

getting an ear-full of wedding talk, and having someone tell you that you're a nice girl and that you don't have to worry because you'll find a nice boy... made me want to run my head into the wall! don't get me wrong i'm not against weddings and people getting married, just don't enjoy being "encouraged" like i'm someone who's acting like i'm desperate for a signigicant other! someone people should really just think before they speak... but i guess you can't control other people. well, better wash my ears after all that stupid nonsense went through them.

on a brighter note, i think its about time for another bbq. i love bbq's... its time for some b and b... burgers and booze!